With some recent high-profile motor vehicle crashes, we asked readers their thoughts on the implementation of Vision Zero and whether pedestrian safety has gotten better or worse.
It doesn’t matter because the drivers don’t abide by the law anyway. People complain when you go too slow; they beep you and try and make you go faster and if people don’t see police around, they’re moving. Who wants to do 25 miles per hour? They’re in a hurry. You ever drive 25 and see how far you get? You hold other drivers up.
T. Becerra
I believe that traffic has gotten safer to some extent. Some drivers are actually driving more cautiously now because of the new laws that passed. However, some drivers don’t take this into consideration and there are some accidents that still happen. There should be more enforcement to these laws.
Sach Torres
I feel like traffic fatalities have increased a little bit over last year with more casualties and more incidents. To tell you the truth, I feel like they should enforce more of the traffic laws. Nobody pays attention to the speed limit. Police give some fines, but few drivers care about the fines and accidents happen because people die every day.
Steve Tzvetanov
The traffic over here is dangerous. Where I live they have construction on one side and there’s a stop light for you to stop, but you can’t see the traffic that’s coming down and drivers always try and run the red light. I’ve almost gotten hit two or three times crossing the street over there. I haven’t noticed a difference with Vision Zero. They need more patrol cars, I feel they don’t give out enough tickets.
Jeremy Joseph
I’ve noticed that it is getting better, yes. It’s not what it should be, but it’s starting to improve. I’ve noticed that it’s easier to cross now without getting hit by a car. Drivers are driving more cautiously. I think they should continue to go further with it to provide more safety for pedestrians.
Dennis McCarthy