
Get Civics Lessons From Your State Senator

Before Gustavo Rivera became a state senator here in the Bronx’s 33rd District, he was an adjunct political science professor at Pace University. In fact, before catching the campaign politics bug soon after  moving to New York from his native Puerto Rico for graduate school in 1998, Rivera appeared destined for a career in academia. Although he never completed his masters degree, Rivera continued to teach while serving as a campaign field operative for several politicians, including former Gov. David Paterson, Bronx State Senator Jose M. Serrano and President Obama.

Tonight, Rivera slides back into his role as educator at the Bronx Library Center on Kingsbridge Road. There, at 6 p.m., he will begin a series of classes on civics that will continue every Thursday, same time, same place, for an hour each time, until Nov. 3.

The class is free and open to anyone of any age who wants to attend. According to a press release, “the course will focus on learning about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the different levels of government, as well as how government and elections work.”

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