Photo by Courtney Chestnut on Unsplash
The New York City Department of Sanitation has issued a “snow alert” for Thursday, Jan. 6, from 7 p.m. The alert will stay in effect for a minimum of 24 hours.
Based on prevailing forecasts, the department expects snowfall to begin Thursday evening, with a possibility of up to 6 inches of snow falling overnight and into Friday afternoon. DSNY officials said all winter weather information about the City’s response to the storm can be found by visiting the City’s Severe Weather website at www.nyc.gov/severeweather, or by calling 311.
Department officials said amid a snow alert, the department coordinates with NYC Emergency Management (EMS) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) on snow clearing protocol in accordance with each agency’s written snow plan. They added that all relevant city agencies have been notified of the alert.
Operations Update
The department is preparing for the possibility of a plowable snowfall, and its workers and equipment are prepared. Salt spreaders are filled and ready to go, officials said, and will start pretreating roadways ahead of the snowfall on Thursday night. The forecast indicates that this is an appropriate event for the use of brine, and the department will have pretreated all Tier 1 and Tier 2 bike lanes with the anti-icing liquid before midnight, Friday.
Additionally, officials said the department’s collection trucks will be turned into snow plows, ready to plow once two inches of snow has fallen. They said the department has more than 2,000 vehicles equipped with plows, including salt spreaders, and more than 330,000 tons of salt on hand.
Trash/Recycling Collection
The department’s sanitation workers who collect trash and recycling are the same sanitation workers who plow and salt the streets. Therefore, trash and recycling collection will be delayed during snow removal operations. While residents may put material out at the curb following their normal schedule, snow operations will take priority and collection delays are to be expected. Officials said the department will return to collection operations as soon as snow operations allow. Department officials thank residents in advance for their patience as DSNY workers work to clear the streets.
Alternate Side Parking
DSNY officials said alternate side parking regulations have already been suspended for Thursday, Jan. 6, due to Three King’s Day. This will also facilitate snow removal operations. Parking meters will remain in effect.
Guidance for Open Restaurants
“Open Restaurants” roadway dining may operate as normal during the snow alert, according to City officials, if the business owner deems it is safe to do so. To prevent damage from the weight of snow, officials said restaurants should remove the tops of structures if possible or regularly clear snow off such structures, and without putting the snow back onto the street. They said restaurant owners can find additional information to help them prepare their spaces for the expected snowfall at the following link: https://www1.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/pedestrians/openrestaurants.shtml.
Protected Bike Lanes
City officials said they take the safe passage of bicycles seriously, especially for the City’s essential workers who need to be out in any weather. They said while DSNY’s initial focus during any active snow event is to keep the City’s roadways clear for emergency vehicles and to ensure New Yorkers never lose access to critical medical, fire and police services, plowing and salting of bike lanes will begin after the emergency roadway work is underway. They said protected bike lanes will be pretreated with brine and cleared as quickly as possible. They remind property owners that they should not move snow from sidewalks onto bike lanes.
Snow Clearing Information
As above, DSNY officials said property owners, including restaurants with outdoor dining structures, should NOT push snow onto the street, including onto bike lanes. This impedes snow clearing operations and is illegal. Snow MAY be moved against a building, to a curb line, or to other areas on private property. Sidewalks should be passable for all pedestrians, including a minimum 4-foot clear path, where possible.
Find information on DSNY snow operations along with residents’ responsibilities during and after snow at nyc.gov/snow.