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Developers of the Kingsbridge National Ice Center are expected to attend a meeting over the status of the imminent ice project that’s suffered several delays within the last year.
The meeting, organized by State Senator Gustavo Rivera, whose district falls within the Armory borders, organized the meeting at the behest of community activists outraged over an oddly timed hearing involving the state loaning $30 million to the ice developers. Many are concerned about the lingering effects a major project brings to a community, particularly fears of gentrification in a largely working poor neighborhood.
“Striking the right balance between fostering progress and preserving a community is at times difficult. That is why I am hosting this event,” said Rivera, in a statement. “I want to ensure that our community is connected to both the developer and the city and state government that are not only responsible for overseeing this project, but also the broader issues that will stem from developing the Armory.”
The ice project was approved by the New York City Council in December 2013. A legal battle between developers and one-time principals of the project led to some delays. Following the legal drama, developers went to the state for a $138 million construction loan to jumpstart phase I of the project, which involves building four of the nine Olympic-size skating rinks.
The meeting will take place at Monroe College, 2501 Jerome Ave., King Hall Auditorium, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.