Photo by Courtney Chestnut on Unsplash
The New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) has issued a Snow Alert for Wednesday, December 16, 2020 beginning at 2 p.m.
As reported by Norwood News, and based on current forecasts, the department expects snowfall beginning late Wednesday afternoon. Total accumulation of eight or more inches is possible, with potential for more in some areas. All winter weather information and information about the City’s response to the storm can be found by visiting the City’s Severe Weather website at www.nyc.gov/severeweather
While the department is expecting significant snowfall, representatives said its workers and equipment are prepared. Salt spreaders are already filled and ready to go. Additionally, the department said its collection trucks will be pulled from collection duty and turned into snow plows, ready to plow snow as soon as two inches of snow has fallen.
As conditions allow, the department will also use its “brine trucks” to apply liquid salt to some early-to-freeze roads. The brine, spread only before precipitation begins on dry streets, forms a barrier on the streets and helps keep snow and ice from accumulating. Given the known specifics of this event, brine spraying is likely to begin on Tuesday evening.
During snow alerts, DSNY coordinates with NYC emergency management and the Department of Transportation (DOT) on snow clearing protocol in accordance with each agency’s written snow plan. They City said that all relevant city agencies have been notified of the latest snow alert.
In order to facilitate roadway clearing, alternate side parking regulations will be suspended Wednesday, Dec. 16, and Thursday, Dec. 17.
Roadway Dining
Roadway dining during this snow alert must stop by 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 16. The City will notify restaurants when they can reopen for outdoor dining. Based on the current forecast, the City estimates that this snow alert will last until Thursday evening, allowing restaurants to reopen thereafter, but this may change to the morning of Friday, Dec. 18, based on actual snow accumulation and roadway conditions.
At this time, the City is not asking that restaurants remove any barriers or structures for roadway dining.
Guidance for Open Restaurants
During this snow alert:
- diners may not sit in roadway set-ups, and restaurants should remove or secure any tables and chairs in the roadway;
- all electrical heaters on roadways must be removed;
- if possible, restaurants should remove any overhead coverings, or regularly remove the snow from overhead coverings until the snow alert ends.
Restaurant owners can find additional information to prepare their outlets for snow at https://www1.nyc.gov/html/
As a reminder, property owners, including restaurants with outdoor dining structures, may not push snow onto the street. This impedes snow clearing operations and is illegal. Snow may be moved to an area next to the relevant building, to the curb line, or to areas on private property. Sidewalks should be passable for all pedestrians, including a minimum 4-foot clear path, where possible.
New Yorkers are encouraged to sign up for Notify NYC, the City’s free emergency notification system. Through Notify NYC, New Yorkers can receive phone calls, text messages, and emails alerts about severe weather events and emergencies. To sign up for Notify NYC, call 311, visit www.nyc.gov or follow @NotifyNYC on Twitter.
Find information on DSNY’s snow operations, and residents’ responsibilities during and after snowfall, at nyc.gov/snow.