Photo by David Greene
State Sen. Luis Sepúlveda has been stripped of his title as Chair of the Senate Committee on Crimes, Crime Victims and Corrections following a domestic dispute during which he is alleged to have attempted to choke his estranged wife.
As reported by the Norwood News, according to NYPD detective and spokeswoman, Sophia Mason, officers from the 48th precinct responded to a 911 call regarding a domestic incident at 5:45 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 9, at Sepúlveda’s Daily Avenue home in West Farms. “Police were met by a 40-year-old female and a 56-year-old male who both stated the other party assaulted them,” Mason said.
The New York Times reported on Tuesday, Jan. 12, that Sepúlveda had, that morning, turned himself in at the 48th precinct in the context of the previous Saturday’s incident and had been charged with criminal obstruction of breathing. At his arraignment, more than 12 hours later, at Bronx Criminal Court on East 161st Street, Sepúlveda wore a grey shirt, black slacks and a face mask as he watched a monitor of the virtual courtroom from “Interview Booth 5G,” at just after 11 p.m.
After Criminal Court Judge, Beth Beller, told Sepúlveda he would be released that night but would need to come back for his next court date, she warned the senator that an order of protection had been requested by the prosecution and was to be put in place, saying, “You need to stay away from the complaining witness, Ms Sepúlveda.” She added, “You’re not to have any contact with her by any means. If you have any contact with her at all, you would face a contempt proceeding, do you understand?”

Photo by David Greene
Sepúlveda, an attorney, whose Senate website boasts that he “oversaw the historic criminal justice reform in ending cash bail” in New York City responded with a simple, “Yes, your Honor.”
After attempting to block two media requests for the release of the audio recording, video footage and photographs in the context of the arraignment, Sepúlveda’s attorney, Marvin Ray Raskin, who also connected virtually and remotely to the arraignment and was not in the same room as his client, asked at one stage for permission to address the senator. “May I just suggest to my client, your Honor, that he be mindful that there may be press outside, and that we’re sending somebody from the family, at least, to try and meet him.” The judge replied, “Okay.”
It is unknown if the three burly men who jumped out of an SUV parked at the prisoner release exit at Bronx Central Booking on Sheridan Avenue were members of “the family,” or not, but the men positioned themselves outside the door in such a way as to impede the taking of any photographs. After one of the men received a phone call, the others jumped back in the vehicle, and sped around the corner towards Sherman Avenue where it’s believed Sepúlveda was allowed exit the building via an alternate door.

Photo by David Greene
At around midnight on Jan. 12, “Nancy,” from Concourse Village was pulling a shopping cart down Sherman Avenue when she was informed of her local senator’s arrest. Recalling a rally she had attended in Albany on Sepúlveda’s first day in office, Nancy said, “We took pictures with him and everything.”
Asked how she felt about the Sepúlveda’s job performance, she replied, “To be honest with you, I’ve been so caught up with the pandemic, I haven’t noticed too much of what he’s done.” She added, “One thing I could say is, I don’t hear too much about him. So, he’s like missing in action a lot of times.”
As reported by the Norwood News, on the afternoon of Jan. 12, Raskin released a brief statement in reference to the senator’s arrest, saying, “Mr. Sepúlveda has been the victim of recurring physical abuse by his estranged spouse for approximately nine years, a situation he has endured because of the young child they share together. This false accusation [of domestic violence] is a calculated attempt, by a disgruntled party, to leverage a divorce settlement.”
Divorce proceedings were referenced during the course of the senator’s arraignment and it was noted that they are ongoing in the State of Florida. Raskin requested that the referenced order of protection put in place in the context of the arraignment take into consideration any potential visitation rights which might ensue as they pertain to the senator’s 9-year-old child.

Photo by David Greene
It was noted that no visitation rights are currently in place. Beller agreed that the order of protection was to be made subject to any family court orders relating to visitation rights in both the State of New York and the State of Florida.
In his statement issued earlier that day in the context of the senator’s arrest, Raskin had said, “The senator is committed to, and will proactively provide, full transparency [regarding the domestic incident] as the matter is resolved.”
Condemnation of domestic violence by elected officials throughout the day on Jan. 12 was swift and severe following news of the senator’s arrest, with the New York State Senate quickly removing Sepúlveda from all committee duties while he was still detained. New York City Councilman for the 14th District and majority whip, Fernando Cabrera, issued a statement that read in part, “It is unconscionable that Senator Sepúlveda could remain in his position as a State Senator following multiple domestic violence incidents, and a charge of obstruction [of breathing].”
The criminal complaint obtained from the Bronx District Attorney following the Jan. 9 incident and Jan. 12 arrest charged Sepúlveda with assault in the 3rd degree, criminal obstruction of breathing, and harassment. It made no mention of a second or prior domestic violence incident.

Photo by David Greene
Norwood News reached out to the Bronx District Attorney’s office for information on any prior arrests or convictions and we were informed that there were no cases other than the current one.
For his part, Cabrera concluded his statement, saying, “As a strong advocate for domestic violence victims and programs, I’m calling on Senator Sepúlveda to immediately resign from the Senate.”
Meanwhile, Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernández, who represents the 80th Assembly District, issued a statement that read, “Unfortunately, this is not the first time these allegations have been brought against the senator.” Again, Norwood News cannot currently corroborate these assertions and can only confirm that according to the District Attorney’s office, there were no prior cases involving Sepúlveda other than the current one.
According to John Perez, the former district leader of the 87th Assembly District and who may have his eye on Sepúlveda’s senate seat, Fernández and Cabrera’s references to prior incidents may have been in reference to a 2015 incident that was referred to Family Court, where the records are sealed.
Fernández, along with Sepúlveda and a host of other candidates, is currently running for the Bronx borough presidency, a position currently held by Ruben Díaz, Jr. In her statement on the matter, released on Jan. 12, Fernández added, “I am calling for the senator to drop out of the race for Bronx borough president, and submit his resignation from the senate immediately.”

Photo by David Greene
On Thursday, Jan. 14, Sepúlveda was present at a Three Kings Day toy and mask giveaway held in the lobby of a New York City Housing Authority building at 1471 Watson Avenue in Soundview. On the eve of the event, his office issued a press release announcing his planned attendance at the event, leading many to speculate he would speak about his recent arrest.
At one point, a crowd of 25 or 30 people had gathered in the lobby of the building, creating a potentially dangerous environment in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. As various media and camera people began setting up outside on the sidewalk to interview the senator, a representative from Sepúlveda’s office came out and told reporters that the residents of the building did not wish to come outside. As the senator was apparently inside interacting with the residents, it was inferred that the press should enter the building if they wanted to catch the senator in action.
A WPIX cameraman refused to go inside the building, saying, “You want coverage? Come out here. You don’t want it?” The cameraman then turned to a handful of other members of the media and said, “I don’t know about you, but I want to live.” The Sepúlveda representative then said he would try and accommodate the journalists’ requests for interviews.
Inside the building lobby, News 12 The Bronx reported that the toy giveaway organizer, Rev. Carmen Hernandez, had been discussing the general topic of domestic violence and seemed to indicate that Sepúlveda had confessed to the charge of domestic violence against his wife.
News 12 The Bronx reported that when questioned about it, Sepúlveda appeared uncomfortable and said, “First of all, this [event] is for the kids today. It’s a wonderful event. I don’t know if the reverend misspoke.” He added, “I have not admitted to any acts of domestic violence. I want to make that clear. I am not…. We’ll deal with that in another forum, but right now, it’s really about the children.”

Photo by David Greene
Sepúlveda then walked directly past the media cameras and headed for his car, as one staffer was overheard saying to him, “One day at a time. A News 12 reporter later attempted to stop the senator as he was leaving, saying, “Do you want to comment? The only reason why we came is because we were told you would speak.” Sepúlveda replied, “I’m sorry guys, thank you.” The News 12 reporter then asked, “Is this a cover up? You bring us out here for the toy drive, and then you don’t talk?” The senator did not respond, shut his car door and drove away.
Attempts to reach the victim for comment on the alleged domestic violence incident were unsuccessful. Sepúlveda is due back in court on Feb. 24.
A number of organizations in the Bronx provide help and support to victims of domestic violence. The NYC Family Justice Center is located at 198 E 161 St, The Bronx, NY 10451 and can be reached by calling (718) 508-1220. The center is physically closed temporarily since the pandemic hit but services and support remain available by phone. Learn more here.
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic or gender-based violence, help is available.
- Call 311 to be connected to the nearest NYC Family Justice Center
- Find resources and support in NYC by searching the City’s NYC HOPE Resource Directory
- Call the City’s 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-621-HOPE (4673) for immediate safety planning, shelter assistance, and other resources. TTY: 800-810-7444
In an emergency, dial 911.
Safe Horizon Services Agency is affiliated with Montefiore Medical Group, and is based at 2530 US-1, The Bronx, NY 10458. The organization can be reached by calling (718) 933-1000.
New York City offers a 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-621-HOPE (1-800-621-4673). There may be resources available to help, including temporary housing, emergency shelter, and supportive services for yourself and your children.
For LGBTQ domestic violence issues, NYC Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Program can be contacted at 212-714-1141. For people with disabilities, Barrier-Free Living can be contacted at 212-533-4358.
Editor’s Note: A front page story headlined “Chaos Follows Sepúlveda Arrest” appeared in the Jan. 21, 2021 print edition of the Norwood News, and was subsequently published on our website. Page 17 of the printed story, and an earlier version of this online story, attributed quotes to an individual who the reporter understood to be on the record. Following publication, the individual quoted told the Norwood News that he intended for his comments to be off the record. The quotes have since been removed from this story, and from our website. Norwood News regrets and apologizes to the individual in question for this apparent misunderstanding.