Williamsbridge Oval Computer Lab a Hit Among Teens

  The Williamsbridge Oval Park Recreation Center has made a comeback and the city Parks Department has taken it to a new level by introducing a computer lab for the community. The computer lab found in the second floor of the granite building is new to the recreation center, but has already become one of the more popular spaces. The lab holds eights PCs, thanks to the Parks Department‘s partnership with New York Public Library. The Computer Resource Center manages the free lab, giving computer access to kids and teens so they can keep up with their schoolwork. But on

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When Stop and Frisk Compromises Teen Expression

by Quedus Babalola   On a recent Friday night dinner date with her girlfriend, Sam Rodriguez was constantly irritated by her itchy bra. The 16-year-old Mt. Eden local reminded herself that wearing this undergarment was the most painful thing she’s done. Sam, a transgender female, learned this after being stopped on her way home that night.  She was with her girlfriend when a cop demanded she stand against the wall while he searched her.  Sam’s girlfriend stood by and cried at what she was seeing–a stop and frisk encounter. Sam said she felt like she did something wrong – that

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