Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out

Hello Loyal Readers! The ninth edition of the Norwood News, covering community news you can use, is out, hitting over 300 locations throughout Norwood and its surrounding neighborhoods. Of course, we begin in Norwood, at the enormous Tracey Towers. There, residents are supporting a proposal to review the books of its management company’s $40 million renovation. Read why the tenants association are backing an audit proposal. We then recap a meeting involving Norwood’s community stakeholders and the Bangladeshi community. Aldo Perez organized the meeting. Learn why he believes crimes against Bangladeshis and Muslims are under-reported. There’s also a piece on the story

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Latest Edition of Norwood News Is Out!

Greetings Loyal Readers! The Norwood News is out with its latest edition, bringing you plenty of Bronx community news you can use. We begin with what was a late-breaking story into our newsroom: developers of the Kingsbridge National Ice Center (KNIC) taking the city to court over its delay of a lease developers say belongs to them. Read what KNIC is alleging in the 35-page complaint filed in Bronx Supreme Court. The development seriously endangers the project, which could force the community, elected officials and the city to start all over. Next, an editorial that shows our cards and respect

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

Hello readers! As usual, as promised, and right on time–the latest edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of Bronx community news for you to share. This week the paper heads to Bedford Park for a proposal by the New York Botanical Garden to convert its large space into a multi-used site, with the possibility of a hotel added to the fold. Only residents worry any new development could knock out the existing supermarket. Find out what one top official from NYBG has to say about that. We move from one development to another in Kingsbridge–the Kingsbridge National Ice

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Latest Edition of Norwood News is Out!

By DAVID CRUZ  The latest edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of community news you can use. We begin with some unexpected news: the resignation of Community Board 7’s District Manager. Read how Community Board members reacted to his resignation. Before we begin with the inside-the-cover stories, we want to remind parents that the Norwood News is accepting applications for a FREE, that’s right, FREE afterschool journalism program called Bronx Youth Heard. It’s a cool writing workshop that lasts through December, and it teaches the fundamental of journalism to Bronx high school students. Check out the link here: Now

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Digital Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

The newest edition of the award-winning Norwood News is out with plenty of community news you can use. We begin in Bedford Park with yet another homeless shelter sneaking into the neighborhood, only there’s a twist: the tenants won the fight! Read up on suspicions by tenants and what conditions were like inside the building. Switching to lighthearted fare, with an article by salesperson/reporter extraordinaire Vivian Carter on results of the Norwood News survey we asked neighbors to take over the summer. We crunched the numbers and the results were pretty surprising. Definitely worth a read. Next, Jasmine Gomez takes a look at a

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Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

By DAVID CRUZ The latest edition of the Norwood News is on its way to a restaurant, office or store near you, loaded with plenty of news you can use. Our latest offering brings you a timely story rankling many residents—illegal barbecues. Jasmine Gomez takes a look at just why barbecuing is something of a mainstay in the Bronx, despite being prohibited in some parks. We get the city’s side, and hear out the pros and cons. Definitely a community story worth reading. We then move on to a profile of a storied civic group that’s become synonymous to the

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Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

By DAVID CRUZ The latest edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of community news you can use! There’s plenty to talk about, so here goes: The big story is on something of a rarity: a stop by a U.S. sitting President in the Bronx. President Barack Obama did just that, spending an afternoon at Lehman College. The Norwood News was there to capture Mr. Obama’s rare event, which detailed the formation of a nonprofit geared towards young minority men. Heading back to more hyperlocal terrain, we go to Mosholu Parkway, where community residents are hammering out a

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Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

By DAVID CRUZ  The latest edition of the Norwood News is hitting 300 locations throughout the northwest Bronx this morning, and it’s loaded with plenty of community news you can use. Here are some stories that can grab you: We begin what’s been happening in the neighborhood’s long running story: developments at the Kingsbridge Armory. Haydee Camacho delves into the story focusing on some folks wishing the Community Benefits Agreement tied to the Kingsbridge Armory Ice Center would have been fleshed out better. Worth a read. Valentine Avenue neighbors are still reeling over the death of a teen who plunged

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