Who Runs the World? Part II Karina Jorge

Editor’s Note: Our intention was to publish this story in an earlier print edition, but election coverage took precedence. Part I of this story ran in our last print edition and can be read online here. Among the 51,402 finishers in the 2023 TCS New York City Marathon on Sunday, Nov. 5, were two local runners and members of Norwood-based running group, Bronx Nomads. We spoke to both women ahead of, and on, race day as they joined what New York Road Runners said was the world’s largest marathon of 2023, and the third-largest edition of the race in the event’s history.

Who Runs the World? Part 1: Amity Lui  

Among the 51,402 finishers in the 2023 TCS New York City Marathon on Sunday, Nov. 5, were two local runners and members of Norwood-based running group, Bronx Nomads. We spoke to both women ahead of, and on, race day as they joined what New York Road Runners said was the world’s largest marathon of 2023, and the third-largest edition of the race in the event’s history.

Health Check: November is Diabetes and Prediabetes Awareness Month 

The holiday season is here, a time when many people gather with family and friends to celebrate and eat great food. With all the celebrations, it can be easy to overindulge, but it is important, especially for people with diabetes and prediabetes, to be mindful of what we are eating.