Op-Ed: The VCJC Disinformation and Distortion Campaign

Van Cortlandt Jewish Center (VCJC) President Stu Harris and Board Chair Jack Kleinfeld have succeeded in boasting about their disinformation and distortion campaign that has resulted in the worst possible real estate deal available, not only for the VCJC congregation, but for the community at large as well.

Health Check: Collaborating with the Community on Health & Wellness Education    

On a typical month, I get to connect with hundreds of people at churches, community centers, colleges, shelters and more as a community health specialist within Montefiore Hospital’s Office of Community and Population Health. One person I met at a community education event is Matthew Greco, events manager for Presbyterian Senior Services (PSS) Life! University.

VCJC Votes to Sell Center & Return as Partial Tenants

After news broke earlier this year that the Board of Trustees of Van Cortlandt Jewish Center (VCJC) were in discussions with a developer to sell the building, despite some pushback from the local community, on Sunday, May 19, VCJC members called for a special membership meeting to be held to discuss the situation.

Bronx Elected Officials, Housing Advocates & Union Leaders Hold Counter Protests to Trump Rally

Sitting at his home in The Bronx, Brian Camilo, 21, watched live on television as former U.S. President Donald J. Trump threw paper towel after paper towel into a large crowd of Puerto Ricans who were crammed inside Calvary Chapel, Puerto Rico seeking comfort, reassurance, and support in the wake of Hurricane Maria after it devastated their island in September 2017. For Camilo, the former president’s seemingly flippant actions signaled to him that the wealthy didn’t care about the struggles and hardships of Hispanics.