Academic Accords at Lehman College

GUSTAVO VEGA with the El Colegio de México (COLMEX) (l) shares a moment with Lehman College President Dr. José Luis Cruz (r) at a symbolic signing between Vega’s and Cruz’s academic institutions aimed at strengthening cooperation and promoting mutual understanding. These agreements between Lehman College and eight other schools are intended to lead student and faculty collaboration. The event happened at the Bedford Park-based college on Jan. 18. Photo by Miriam Quinones

Spelling S-h-o-w-d-o-w-n at PS 94

  After 15 rounds and a suspenseful 90 minutes, 10-year-old Mazeen Chawdhury emerged champion of PS 94 King College School’s annual Spelling Bee, which drew plenty of oohs, aahs, and aha moments. Separating Raisa Alam, the runner up, from first place: serviceable. Raisa fell short in spelling the word, but Mazeen did, of course. A first place ribbon soon followed. The two, along with third place winner David Marcos, took on 22 others in an edge-of-your-seat competition that ranks as one of the more anticipated events at the Norwood grade school. The group of competitors were already some of the

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Mosholu Library Gets Children’s Librarians

Finally! Two children’s librarians are officially on the job at the Mosholu Public Library, library officials confirmed. Nicole Figueroa and Katie Loucks started on Dec. 26 and Jan. 8 respectively. Both are full-time librarians, according to the New York Public Library. Officials plan to hold a community meet-and-greet on Feb. 12 from 3 to 6 p.m. at the library, 285 E. 205th St.

Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The latest edition of the Norwood News, covering the northwest section of the Bronx, is out with plenty of community news you can use. There are 16 pages filled with a lot of useful information intended to make your aware of where you live. We begin, of course, with page one. In one of the more hotly controversial stories of the year (we’re only the second edition of 2018) teachers and staffers of JHS/MS 80 came in the defense of its principal, Emmanuel Polanco. The five-year principal and the school are under investigation for covering up a fight

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Inquiring Photographer: Problem Schools in the Bronx

In light of news over JHS 80’s performance, this week we asked readers their thoughts on the performance of local public schools in their neighborhoods. I think the schools are great except for MS 80, which was known as a very difficult school back in the ‘80s when I attended. So I would love to see that improve–and that was in the papers a couple of days ago. My daughter goes to Bronx Dance Academy in Woodlawn; she loves the school, she loves the principal, Ms. Lopez. It’s excellent and I see it every day with my child. Rashida Reed-Gordon

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Editorial: A Tale of Two JHSs 80

It’s hard to tell what’s really happening at JHS 80, a school that became fodder for the New York Post and touched off responses from legislators and the city Department of Education. The Op-Ed submitted to the Norwood News about the school itself (see below) has generated more than 100 comments. There’s the one story where JHS 80, under the leadership of principal Emmanuel Polanco, has been saved from academic ruin; then there’s the story that describes JHS 80 as a “hellhole.” That storyline has been emphasized by a $2 million lawsuit against Polanco as described in the Post’s recent

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Staffers Defend JHS 80 Reputation Amid Controversy

Despite a New York Post exposé detailing a history of problems at JHS/MS 80, teachers have come to the defense of their principal, embroiled in controversy. The New York City Department of Education is now investigating the school, a pledge already made by the New York City Council. The teachers, five of whom declined to give names to the Norwood News, spoke highly of principal Emmanuel Polanco and his ability to turn the school around. Dayana Nuñez, a 14-year veteran of the school, praised Polanco’s administrative performance and the school’s performance. “They tell a little truth and expand it with a bunch of

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Op-Ed: Defending Reputation of JHS 80

As a sixth grade teacher at MS 80, I was deeply disheartened to see recent negative news stories that have attacked our students, staff and community. Our students are upset and hurt that they have been made to look like delinquents. Simply put, what has been written about MS 80 is false—if you take the time to talk to our students and teachers, it is easy to see that there are amazing opportunities and programs at our school. Not only are teachers coming in prepared to provide the strongest academic experience possible, students are eager to learn each and every

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Teachers Stand by JHS 80 Principal Following Reports

Despite a New York Post expose detailing a history of problems at JHS 80, teachers came in defense of its principal, embroiled in controversy. The New York City Department of Education is now reportedly investigating the school, a pledge already made by the New York City Council. But teachers, five of whom declined to give names to the Norwood News, spoke highly of principal Emmanuel Polanco and his ability to turn the school around. Dayana Nunez, a 14-year veteran of the school, praised Polanco’s administrative performance and the the school’s performance. “They tell a little truth and expand it with a bunch

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