First Generation and Low-Income Students Find a Path to College at Columbia

Most of the attention on COVID-19 revolves around the physical consequences of its spread, especially in communities of color, but a secondary effect has to do with a decrease in academic attainment, especially in the Latino community.   The educational fallout from the pandemic is seen in figures collected by the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). During 2020, the first year of the pandemic, Hispanic enrollment in higher education fell overall by 5.4 percent.  More alarming is the decline in first-time enrollment among Hispanic students, at almost 20 percent. These statistics present a difficult future for one of the fastest-growing segments

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Elections 2022: Tenants PAC Endorses “Longtime Tenant Champion” A.M. Jeffrey Dinowitz

  The re-election campaign for Assembly Member Jeffrey Dinowitz, who represents the 81st assembly district, announced on Wednesday, March 16, that the assemblyman has been endorsed by Tenants PAC in his run for re-election in the Northwest Bronx in the upcoming 2022 Democratic primary.   According to the PAC’s website, the organization raises funds from tenants, progressive labor unions and other supporters of tenants’ rights and affordable housing. “We recruit tenants as volunteers in targeted elections,” an extract from the organization’s website reads. “We are an all-volunteer organization, so all contributions are used only for our modest costs of operation

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Lehman College Launches Business School & New Program to Assist Ex-Felon Students

Lehman College is launching its own school of business, expanding what college officials say is one of its largest departments, Economics and Business, into a School of Business on July 1 and making it the only business school at any public college in The Bronx or Westchester Counties. CUNY’s Board of Trustees approved the measure at a Dec. 13 public meeting.   In the context of the announcement, Lehman College provost and senior vice president for academic affairs and student success, Peter O. Nwosu, said,  “The new school, whose niche will include entrepreneurship, small business development, and experiential learning, builds

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New Era of Partnership Between Yeshiva University and Montefiore Medicine

Yeshiva University and Montefiore Medicine recently signed a new agreement launching a joint Yeshiva University-Albert Einstein College of Medicine B.A./B.S.-M.D. program for highly qualified, high school graduates, ensuring what is described as their path to an excellent medical education and an impactful career in healthcare. Yeshiva University and Einstein have also created a task force to study the creation of joint academic and career-related programs in the fields of healthcare and health sciences.   “I have enjoyed working with Dr. Ari Berman to lay the groundwork for an exciting new chapter for Montefiore Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and

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Out & About: Tango Argentina, Black & Gold Fundraiser, Bronx Buccaneers & More!

Editor’s Pick Bronx Buccaneers football club meet on Saturdays in the Williamsbridge Oval in Norwood from 11 a.m. to 1p.m. The session consists of a “Bootcamp” comprising strength, cardio and endurance training and the group also uses weights, bands and other equipment. The sessions are in preparation for the team’s upcoming Tackle football program which begins March 19 and every Saturday thereafter from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., where kids are taught the fundamentals of football in a safe, fun atmosphere. Understanding there is more to football, the Buccaneers strive to develop the students/athletes, and the hope is that the players will

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Did First Bomb Threat Reveal Dysfunction at P.S. 20, as Three More Bomb Threats Received?

The following story is an extended version of the story that appeared in our latest print edition. Around two and half hours after students and teachers were evacuated from The Bronx’s P.S. 20 due to a bomb threat on Friday, March 4, the building was, thankfully, declared clear by police and safe for reentry. However, according to some P.S. 20 staff members, the incident served to highlight what some say is a dysfunctional environment at the school, especially given a reported delay with the initial evacuation. In the meantime, three further bomb alerts have been reported at the school, on

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2nd Annual My Brother’s Keeper Event Celebrates Young Kings in The Bronx

One hundred and fifty Bronx-area high school students filed into Monroe College’s Mintz auditorium in Fordham Manor on Wednesday, Feb. 9, for the second annual Bronx event, celebrating the nonprofit, My Brother’s Keeper Alliance (MBK).   As “The Champion” played on a loop before the event got underway, on top of each table were small water bottles, snack bars, yellow Monroe College folders, and framed inspirational quotes from notable figures like basketball legend, Michael Jordan, and rapper, songwriter and record producer, Kendrick Lamar. Four TV monitors projected various PowerPoint presentations during the event.   Launched in February 2014 by former

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New Bronx CB7 Education Chair Hosts Jam-Packed Meeting

Nearly two out of three children affected by systemic poverty cannot read at grade level, according to Literacy Incorporated (LINC), a New York City nonprofit focused on early childhood literacy. The organization said children who cannot transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn” by third grade are 13 times more likely not to graduate on time from high school.   Childhood literacy, along with resources for youth, schools and libraries formed the main topics of discussion at last month’s Bronx Community Board 7’s education committee meeting, held on Feb. 2, and the first of the year to be

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Elections 2022: Diaz Offers Alternative to “Go Along to Get Along” Politicians in A.D. 81

  The following story is an updated version of the one that appears in our latest print edition.   On a brisk Thursday afternoon, George Diaz Jr. descends the steps of Norwood’s 205th Street subway station, located at East 205th Street and Perry Avenue. After swiping his metro card, Diaz shares with Norwood News what changes he would like to see in the station. “We need an elevator,” he said. “Feasibly, it is probably better to make the elevator by this entrance because when you step out, you see Whalen playground, a City park. It should be easier for the MTA

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