Mexican Independence Day Celebrated in The Bronx

Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson joined the Consul General of Mexico in New York and community partners to host a celebration outside Bronx Borough Hall on Friday, Sept. 15, in recognition of Mexican independence. On the sunny September day, the mood was cheery, amid music, laughs, and the raising of the Mexican flag.

Gillibrand Calls for Humanitarian Aid to Address Emergency Needs in Gaza

Democratic U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a member of the U.S. senate armed services committee and of the U.S. senate committee on intelligence, is calling on the Biden administration to contribute to the United Nations’ emergency appeal of $294 million to address the immediate humanitarian needs in the West Bank and Gaza in Palestine, in the wake of an escalation of violence in the region following the Hamas attacks on Israel on Saturday, Oct. 7. Gillibrand is joined by 33 of her colleagues in the push, which is led by U.S. Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut.  

Rivera & Colleagues Introduce Bill to Fund Safe Evacuation of New Yorkers from Israel & Palestine

State Sen. Gustavo Rivera (S.D. 33), Brooklyn-based State Sen. Julia Salazar (S.D. 18), and Brooklyn-based Assembly Member Emily Gallagher (A.D. 50) introduced Bill S7716 on Wednesday, Oct. 18, to allow New York State to financially reimburse New Yorkers who are trying to evacuate from Israel and the Palestinian territories during the ongoing crisis in the Middle East since tensions escalated on Saturday, Oct. 7, following an attack by Hamas on southern Israel, which prompted a bombing of the Gaza Strip by the Israel Defense Authority. 

Pelham Parkway: Bronx Vigil Held for Israeli Victims of Hamas Attacks

Nearly 100 local residents gathered with local elected officials and clergy members at a “Prayer for Israel” vigil for an evening of unity and solidarity held at the Bronx Jewish Center in Pelham Parkway on Thursday, Oct. 12, following news that more than 1,200 soldiers and civilians had been killed, raped or captured in southern Israel, close to the Gaza Strip, during attacks by Hamas militia on Saturday, Oct. 7.