Editorial: Lessons From a Marathon

I overcame a barrage of obstacles — physical, mental, even geographical — on my quest to run the New York City Marathon this year. But it was an epic storm seven days before the pay off that finally did me in. Was I disappointed? Yes. Was it the right decision? Absolutely.

Northwest Bronx Election Results All Over the Map

If you live in the Norwood Newscoverage area, which includes Norwood, Bedford Park, University Heights, Kingsbridge Heights, Fordham and Fordham-Bedford, you may very well be in store for new representation in state government come Jan. 1.

Sector George: The Most Dangerous Neighborhood in the Precinct

On a recent Friday afternoon, off-duty firefighter Eddie De La Cruz leisurely walks past Bainbridge Avenue along East 196th Street and stops in front of Our Lady of Refuge Church to chat with Father John Jenik, the parish’s longtime leader. They both greet people passing by, mostly parents with their kids, with pleasantries in English and Spanish. The only sense that this interaction is happening in the most dangerous neighborhoods in the 52nd Precinct, and one of the toughest in the northwest Bronx, is a handful of young men wearing hoodies and expensive sneakers milling menacingly in front of a six-story apartment building down the block. They’re on the lookout and waiting to take over these streets when darkness comes.

Bronx Biz: On The Fordham Road to Recovery

As Hurricane Sandy whipped through the tri-state area, it left 40,000 in the Bronx without power. Trees went down. They crushed cars. Storefronts were damaged, and branches were ubiquitous. Mostly, businesses were closed. For two days, the city shut down. But despite widespread damage from the storm, Fordham Road — one of the most bustling streets in the borough — began to come back to life swiftly.

Storm Relief Effort Blossoms at Kingsbridge Armory

After more than 15 years of vacancy and several failed redevelopment efforts, it took a storm of unprecedented proportions to put the Kingsbridge Armory back to extended use. It’s now the site of the largest storm relief effort in the Bronx, bringing much-needed food, supplies, cleaning materials and manpower to the region’s most ravaged communities.