Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Saudi-Sponsored Women’s Golf Tournament at Trump Golf Links

With a recently released U.S. government report implicating some individuals in the Saudi Arabian government in having assisted the 9/11 hijackers, this week we asked readers for their thoughts on Trump Golf Links, located in Ferry Point Park in Throggs Neck, hosting a Saudi-sponsored, women’s golf tournament next month in The Bronx. Listed sponsor, Aramco [officially the Saudi Arabian Oil Company] is a Saudi Arabian public petroleum and natural gas company based in Dhahran.   “It’s so funny you mention that because I was just watching something on that. What took place was really different because what went down was

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

  This week, we asked readers their thoughts on the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 which supporters say will help reduce inflation and invest in clean energy.   “I doubt it will be a good thing, because they’re picking and choosing who they want to help with lowering prescription drugs; they want to only help the people on Medicaid or Medicare. What about the people who don’t have Medicaid? If they have no benefits, no health insurance, no nothing, what about them? Yes, absolutely, it will help the seniors. I’m not really into all the politics; it’s like they

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Who to Believe When it Comes to Crime Stats & Bail Reform

This week, we asked readers who they believe when it comes to the bail reform debate, since progressives and some public defenders allege the rise in crime is not linked to bail reform, while the mayor and law enforcement allege it is.   “The people that are actually saying that it does… I mean they become brazen if you’re not going to punish people. As anybody, they’re going to become opportunists and to me, bail reform is contributing to the increase in crime. The DAs, the judges, they should be held accountable too and they should be removed. You can

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Travel Experiences amid Calls to Investigate Potential Unfair Airline Business Practices

With U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand calling for an investigation into potentially unfair business practices by the airline industry during record delays and cancellations, we asked readers about their recent experiences at City airports.   “I’ve had some problems changing flights; we had delays, yes, all of that. Right now, my grandson is coming back from Florida, and they just switched his flight to Sprint. So right now, we’re waiting for his COVID test. He’s been stuck for two days already. No, the airline didn’t put him up in a hotel; my son took him home and now he has to go

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Ideal Venue for a New Swimming Pool in Norwood/Bedford Park

  This week, given the overcrowding at Van Cortlandt Pool amid the ongoing lifeguard shortage citywide, we asked readers where, in their opinion, a new public swimming pool should be built in Norwood or Bedford Park.   “I think the neighborhood needs a swimming pool. It would be a good investment, a good addition to the neighborhood, and all the kids could come play and all that. Probably [Williamsbridge] Oval Park would be the best because that’s where we usually go. I kind of remember that the Oval had a pool way back then, but I was too little to

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on What the Overturning of Roe Vs Wade Means for the Country

  Following the latest Supreme Court decision to strike down Roe vs. Wade, we asked readers their thoughts on the issue, and what it means for the country, moving forward.   “I believe it’s unjust. I kind of see it’s been a long time coming, especially with the nomination of [former President Donald] Trump, and how he appointed three Supreme Court justices who are conservative, so I think America is regressing, honestly. I feel we have a lot of work to do and it’s time we start listening to the people, start listening to women, and start prioritizing woman and

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Whether New Gun Laws Will Have an Impact on Gun Violence

  As elected officials worked to enact new legislation after several, recent mass shootings, we asked readers if they believed such legislation would have any impact, and what type of legislation, in their opinion, was necessary.   “Of course, I’m familiar with the legislation, but nothing is going to help because the government is into all this stuff. They are allowing certain things to happen to their benefit. Drugs and guns, it’s the same thing. I would like this to stop immediately, because so many innocent people are dying. They must ban all guns and why do you think that’s not going

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Biaggi-Backed Bill Establishing Rape Kit Tracking System Passes Assembly & Senate

State Sen. Alessandra Biaggi (S.D. 34) announced that on June 2 the State senate majority passed the bill she sponsored to establish a rape kit tracking system in New York State. The bill was also passed in the assembly, where it was sponsored by Assembly Member Amy Paulin, and now awaits sign-off by Gov. Kathy Hochul.   Bill S7867A/A9596 will direct the Division of Criminal Justice Services, in consultation with the State Department of Health, Office of Victim Services, Division of State Police, and the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Abuse to develop and implement a statewide electronic tracking

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UPDATE Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Security in Bronx Schools in the Context of Mass Shootings

  With a series of recent mass shootings taking place around the country, this week, we asked readers their thoughts on school security and if they felt Bronx Schools were prepared for a potential mass shooting in the borough.   “I work in a school, and I don’t think they’re doing enough for gun control either, and with all the mass shootings, I am concerned for myself and my family. I do have a son going to kindergarten, so I’m pretty concerned because the public schools are not too safe. I think the gun violence is terrible in The Bronx.

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