Editorial: Our Wish List for 2013

The Norwood News will be tracking countless stories over the coming days, weeks and months in 2013. Here are some of the outcomes and headlines we’ll be rooting for.

Editorial: On The Death of Young Children

As a journalist, you’re supposed to be detached from the subjects you write about. It’s how you maintain your objectivity when presenting facts and accurately depicting scenes you’ve witnessed. All of that flew out the window of Woolworth Chapel in Woodlawn Cemetery when I reached into my pocket for one of at least half a dozen pens and plucked out the one with purple ink. It’s the color Lydia would have chosen.

Editorial: Klein’s Power Play

Now the pressure is on Jeff Klein. As the head of New York’s Independent Democratic Caucus in the State Senate, Klein could have chosen to throw his group’s support behind either Republicans or Democrats and ensure majority rule for either party.

Editorial: Lessons From a Marathon

I overcame a barrage of obstacles — physical, mental, even geographical — on my quest to run the New York City Marathon this year. But it was an epic storm seven days before the pay off that finally did me in. Was I disappointed? Yes. Was it the right decision? Absolutely.