Hot Off The Digital Press! Latest Edition of the Norwood News Hits Streets

by David Cruz  The Norwood News is out with its latest digital edition. It’s also hit the nearly 200 locations Bronxites can go to read up on what’s happening in the northwest Bronx. As usual, we have our own teaser for you to enjoy: First up, the big news in the Bronx political sphere is Congressman Charles Rangel securing a 23rd term as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Find out what his chief rival, State Senator Adriano Espaillat, has to say about the vote count. Coverage was largely due in part to our reporters Imani Hall and Brittney Williams.

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Are Your Taxes Via Discretionary Funding Working in Your Community?

by Elisabeth von Uhl, Special for the Norwood News  It’s not always evident the work our taxes does for us as a community.  Now, the new Speaker of the New York City Council, Melissa Mark-Viverito, wants to make that work more visibly and equitably to New York City residents by a group of proposed reforms.  These reforms will also change how a Council Member’s discretionary funding is doled out in their Council Districts.

Digital Edition of the Norwood News Out!

Major projects are in focus in the latest digital edition of the Norwood News. First up, trouble at the Kingsbridge Armory, slated to become a mega-ice skating rink. Infighting has caused delays for the landmark castle. We hear from both sides. Several blocks away, legislators look to grant public access to Jerome Reservoir Park, long closed following construction of the Croton Water Filtration Plant. We find out how lawmakers intend to open the park for recreation. The latest edition also explores the nature of limited liability corporations and loopholes exploited when managing a building. And finally, meet the candidates in the closely

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UPDATE Inquiring Photographer

By David Greene This week we asked readers about the recent spike in violent crime in the 47th Precinct and it’s plan to build relationships with neighbors by visiting their homes. I feel like it’s kind of invading people’s privacy for some reason. I feel like they shouldn’t be knocking on people’s doors. Something should be done, but neighborhoods like this… it’s really quiet around here. I’ve seen the police towers and I think that’s enough because it did stop crime in the south Bronx, and it does have a lot of officers now.  Claude Escobar    

Out & About

Editor’s Pick MMC Hosts Health Fair Montefiore Medical Center will host a community health fair, June 1 from noon to 4 p.m. on East 210th Street from Bainbridge to Steuben avenues. The event is to increase awareness about healthy living in the Bronx with activities including exercise classes, cooking demonstrations, health screenings, music, games, giveaways and more. For more information, visit The Bronx Puerto Rican Day kicks off at 11am at the Grand Concourse, marching from 192nd Street to Van Cortlandt Avenue East. Rain or shine.

Digital Edition of Norwood News Out!

The latest edition of the Norwood News is out, available at 192 locations throughout the northwest Bronx. Stop by any diner, post office, and stores along Jerome Avenue to pick up your copy. The edition explores several interesting stories happening in the northwest Bronx nabe. First, interest on the ever-changing Webster Avenue is brewing, with one developer eyeing a chunk of occupied properties. This latest development comes on the heels of the Stagg Group at the tail end of construction on two supportive housing sites there. Next, a burning question looms in Norwood: What happened to the the Williamsbridge Oval

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Inquiring Photographer – How Safe Is Your School?

By DAVID GREENE With a history of asbestos and other toxic hazards in and around Bronx schools, this week we asked readers if they feel their local schools are safe. Sometimes students might bring in drugs or illegal weapons, but no, I don’t see anything wrong with the buildings. —Joel Pena Garcia  

Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

  by David Cruz, Editor-in-Chief  With the northwest Bronx springing with plenty of good causes, there is so much to write about for the latest edition of the Norwood News. The big story is the election of a new district manager for Community Board 7, a post left vacant for the past five months. Read up who members voted on, or you can read the story online. Our other story focuses on the never-ending construction of the troubled Croton Water Filtration Plant. New stuff to report, courtesy of reporter Shayla Love. Speaking of online news consumption, the Norwood News has a

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