With Mild Weather, No Excuse Not To Vote

by David Cruz  The forecast this Election Day is calling for mild weather for early November. It’s a perfect time to vote! Polls at schools, community centers and senior centers are open until 9 p.m. in a General Election that’s already perceived as having a very low voter turnout despite a New York gubernatorial contest that needs to be decided. The top races in the Bronx have already been decided during the September Democratic primary, considered more important given the overwhelming number of registered Democrats in the Bronx. The Bronx Democratic County Committee helped garner wins for its incumbents, though

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Inquiring Photographer

By DAVID GREENE With New York City gripped by Ebola worries, we asked readers if the danger of the virus is justified or simply hype? Before, they used to seal off the town or village and nobody gets out and people go in to help, but now it’s like an open market. How can you control it? It’s impossible. The doctor comes back, goes everywhere and then gets sick. You go there to help people and you come back and threaten the entire nation. Antonio Frasca, Morris Park    

Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out

The Norwood News, your bi-weekly community newspaper you know and love to read is out once again, both on the digital format and over 200 locations in the northwest Bronx. In this edition we take an in-depth look at the super high-tech ShotSpotter system slated to arrive within the 52nd Precinct. Hear from Inspector Nilda Hofmann who can’t wait to see the system up and running in the station house that covers Norwood, Bedford Park, Fordham and Kingsbridge. We’ve also bridged the divide between newspaper and digital news with Norwood News Online, a feature showcasing some web exclusives that can only

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Getting a Say: More Participatory Budgeting Sessions Set

By DAVID CRUZ If you had the chance to fill the role of New York City Councilmember, where would you earmark $1 million in capital funds? It’s a question Councilman Andy Cohen will continue posing in his latest round of Participatory Budget sessions, a yearlong process where locals as young as 14-years-old in his 11th Council District can offer input on how to spend taxpayer monies to better their communities. Six workshops are slated for this month: Monday, Oct. 20 – Schervier Nursing Home, 2975 Independence Ave. at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 22 – Rambling House, 4292 Katonah Ave. at

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Out & About

Compiled by Judy Noy Editor’s Pick  The Bronx by Bike  The 20th annual free Tour de Bronx will take place on Sunday, Oct. 26, offering a 25- or 40-mile ride, starting from the Bronx County Building, 851 Grand Concourse at 161st Street and will culminate at the New York Botanical Garden with live music and light snacks. Check-in time is at 9 a.m. Free bike helmets will be fitted and distributed from 8 to 11:30 a.m., while supplies last. Participants must sign a waiver. To register, go to www.iLoveTheBronx.com.

Inquiring Photographer: Dangerous Clubs

by David Greene  After a wild murderous melee outside a local night club, we asked readers their thoughts on the club scene and how guests can stay safe. I think that economically they actually help the community with their taxes, but there’s a lot of danger because it’s not really positive or energetic because most people want to get loose and go wild. And that can lead to negativity. So violence-wise it’s a bad thing, but economically it’s a good thing. Joshua Cabrera, Kingsbridge 

Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

by David Cruz  Take participatory budgeting, a Tour de Bronx, the rebirth of the NCBH maternity ward and the list of Norwood’s worst landlords and you have the latest edition of the Norwood News, hitting newsstands at over 200 locations in the northwest Bronx. This week we explore key events happening in the community for you to share with friends and family. Check out roving reporter Hayley Camacho’s article on shady landlords whose buildings have made life hell for tenants in Norwood and Bedford Park. The responses she gathered are quite interesting. Next, we give you an update to a murderous

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Inquiring Photographer – How Hot Is The Earth Getting?

By DAVID GREENE This week we asked readers their thoughts on climate change and New York City’s plan to build eco-friendlier buildings. I think it’s great for the city, bad for the tenants because you know the more they fix, the more we pay. But in the long run, 10 or 20 years from now, our children will be able to appreciate it. Eventually, we will be paying Con Edison less, but not anytime soon. Lynette Knight, Highbridge 

Inquiring Photographer

This week we asked readers their thoughts on the new NYPD pilot program that would have some officers wearing a small camera that’s able to record interactions with the public. I think it’s a good thing because people who claim they have been brutally attacked by policemen would actually have evidence that they did or they didn’t. Tyzannah Sands, Kingsbridge