Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

By DAVID CRUZ The latest edition of the Norwood News is on its way to a restaurant, office or store near you, loaded with plenty of news you can use. Our latest offering brings you a timely story rankling many residents—illegal barbecues. Jasmine Gomez takes a look at just why barbecuing is something of a mainstay in the Bronx, despite being prohibited in some parks. We get the city’s side, and hear out the pros and cons. Definitely a community story worth reading. We then move on to a profile of a storied civic group that’s become synonymous to the

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Let’s Support our Youth against Big Tobacco

An OpEd by VONETTA DUDLEY For the first time in nearly a decade, we have over one million smokers in New York City. One out of three smokers will prematurely die from smoking-related diseases.  This is alarming especially when we know that tobacco use is the number one cause of preventable death. In the Bronx, 16.1 percent of adults and 7 percent of the youth are current smokers.* Tobacco companies have been consistently targeting our youth and have labeled them as their “replacement smokers.” Tobacco companies won’t stop and will do what they have to in order for people to

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Inquiring Photographer

With President Barack Obama’s recent visit to the Bronx, we asked readers what issues they would raise with the President if they had one minute with him.   Well, one issue that I would raise is the child support system that has caused a lot of people to be in a really precarious position, because if you have outstanding child support it oppresses you. You can’t make any moves, you lose your license, and you can’t work. It’s something that hinders you from progressing. That’s one thing that I would really like someone to address. That is one personal issue

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Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

By DAVID CRUZ The latest edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of community news you can use! There’s plenty to talk about, so here goes: The big story is on something of a rarity: a stop by a U.S. sitting President in the Bronx. President Barack Obama did just that, spending an afternoon at Lehman College. The Norwood News was there to capture Mr. Obama’s rare event, which detailed the formation of a nonprofit geared towards young minority men. Heading back to more hyperlocal terrain, we go to Mosholu Parkway, where community residents are hammering out a

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Op-Ed: The Consequences of Over-Development in Bedford Park

By SHANNON LEE GILSTAD For over six years residents in Bedford Park, which lies in Community District 7, have heard buzz about the future of 150 Van Cortlandt Avenue East/186 St. George Crescent, a small curved street that currently has just five buildings on it. The block is a local gem hidden in plain sight, just off the Grand Concourse and Mosholu Parkway, yet quiet and serene, away from the bustle. Residents say that this is exactly how they like it and want it to stay.

President Obama to Visit Lehman College for Nonprofit Announcement

By DAVID CRUZ In his first, and presumably, only official visit to the Bronx, President Barack Obama will deliver remarks at Lehman College on Monday, announcing the launch of a nonprofit initiative geared towards young minority men. The nonprofit, the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, is an offshoot to the White House’s initiative of the same name. It was launched last year as a way to reverse the national trend of young men of color falling behind academically, which can often lead to fewer opportunities. President Obama has consistently pushed education as a gateway towards stability and future success, according to

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Inquiring Photographer

This week we asked readers their thoughts on the proposed bill in the New York City Council that would decriminalize such low-level crimes such as transit fare-beating.

Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out

By DAVID CRUZ  From the pages to your smartphone, computer or laptop, the latest digital edition of the Norwood News is out with pages of community news you can use. First up, we delve into the latest stage of the Kingsbridge National Ice Center,  set to be in the home of the Kingsbridge Armory. While developers emphasize the project’s ready to go, and it is, construction may not start until a year from now. (Editor’s Note: While this topic may have been briefly mentioned in another publication, the Norwood News has made an attempt to bring this back to the forefront of the conversation given its lack

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