New Look, Same Spirit: Norwood News Upgrades Website

The Norwood News has upgraded its website, following several weeks of brainstorming, trial and error, and tinkering. Some of the bigger revisions to the site include a slider window prominently featuring the latest news  stories impacting Norwood News’ coverage area, which primarily includes Bedford Park, Kingsbridge, Fordham, and University Heights. “The community newspaper had long sought to convert the existing site, which leaned towards a blog format, to a more traditional news website look,” said David Cruz, editor-in-chief of the Norwood News, who collaborated with his website designer, Neil deMause, to bring the site to life. The truest change can

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

The digital edition of the Norwood News is back from production break to bring you our latest edition, with plenty of community news you can use. If you want to grab a hold of the edition, just stop by the 300 local offices, restaurants and stores that carry our award-winning newspaper. We first take a pause to ask you: Have you noticed a change in the website?!? This past weekend the Norwood News shed its familiar blog-style website for a more upgraded site with mobile capabilities. Yes, it’s mobile. So you can take the Norwood News anywhere you go. Though new features

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Latest Digital Download of Norwood News Is Available!

By DAVID CRUZ  The latest, community-packed edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of community news you can use. This is our month-long edition where we hope to keep you in the know with some community happenings taking place near you. We first, however, go to Kingsbridge where tenants at a newly plush apartment building are getting soaked with a proposed rent increase as high as $500. Read what tenants and the building landlords have to say, and how elected are stepping in to get a handle on this. Check out another related story of a Creston Avenue landlord

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Latest Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

By DAVID CRUZ The award-winning Norwood News is proud to present its latest edition of its bi-weekly newspaper that’s available in 300 locations throughout the northwest Bronx. Or you can read up on community news you can use from your mobile device and soak in plenty of eye-catching news. Before we delve into the top story, we want to divert your attention to page six in the newspaper: an award for Best Small Circulation Publication by the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism’s annual Ippies awards. Find out what the judges have to say about this newspaper filled with original reporting.

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CB7 Highlights Year of Activities With Newsletter

By NORWOOD NEWS Normally this format is reserved for when the latest edition of the Norwood News publishes its latest edition, but we veered from the script just a bit to present the latest newsletter by Community Board 7. The Board, under the chairmanship of newly re-elected chair Adaline Walker-Santiago, released an eight-page publication of its own showcasing the work it’s taken on since last September. The Board, covering Norwood, Bedford Park, Kingsbridge, Fordham and University Heights, has now entered a summer hiatus to catch its breath, but not before releasing its newsletter. In it, you’ll find quick blurbs of the

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

By DAVID CRUZ  The Norwood News is once again out with a new edition available online and across the northwest Bronx and filled with plenty of community news you can use! We begin with a micro-local story that can play out anywhere–the “in-stall-ation” of speed hump on a street that’s at both a Neighborhood Slow Zone and school zone. Neighbors are in an uproar over a year-long delay, especially after a vehicle recently plowed in three parked cars before turning over. Find out what the commotion is about. We also delve into the existing rent protection laws that are slated to

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Shooting Spike Sparks Stop & Frisk Debate

By JASMINE GOMEZ  Councilman Andy King held his annual Gun Violence Rally outside the Evander Childs Campus on June 2 at a time when the northwest Bronx has seen a spike in shootings.