(Op-Ed) Moving All Americans Forward: Why I Endorse Bernie Sanders for President

There are many reasons that as a Bronx resident, state Assemblyman, and a Puerto Rican, I support Senator Bernie Sanders in New York’s April 19 Democratic presidential primary. Here are just three of them. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate with a record and a plan for comprehensive and humane immigration reform policies. Unlike his opponent, Senator Sanders supports not only maintaining but expanding President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans to provide broad relief to the parents of DREAMers, of citizens, of legal permanent residents, and other immigrants. Well within the

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Inquiring Photographer: How Safe is the Bronx From Terror

In light of the recent terror attacks in Brussels, this week we asked readers how safe they feel here in the Bronx. Well, I don’t think you’re really safe anywhere. Hopefully, nothing happens, but you’re always being cautious wherever you go and wondering what could happen. I guess all the major places could be the point of an attack; the subway, the electricity, the water, the buses. Anything can really be a target. Julio Hernandez Bedford Park  In the Bronx I feel pretty safe, but I wouldn’t want to be around Manhattan. But yes, I think New York is still

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

Dear Loyal Readers, The Norwood News, the Bronx community newspaper bringing you plenty of community news you can use, is out with its seventh edition of 2016! This week we once again go back to Kingsbridge Heights and a faceoff brewing between city officials and developers of the Kingsbridge National Ice Center. Apparently, the city is not satisfied with an explanation from KNIC saying it has money committed for the project. The New York City Economic Development Corporation is asking, “Show us the money!” Ice developers now have 30 more days to present funds. We also bring you stories on the

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Neighborhood Notes

Free Financial Counseling Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Phipps Neighborhoods are offering one-on-one free financial counseling for Bronxites at Diaz’s office. Trained counselors will be able to discern and help with your financial challenges, bad credit, identity theft and other concerns. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call (718) 590-3554. “Save Easter” Mission Victorious Warriors III Inc., a nonprofit football club, is looking for financial assistance for their “Save Easter” project that services the Crystal Place Shelter in Ferry Point. The group is asking for $10.00 or more per child, as well as coloring books, puzzles,

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on the Borough President

This week we asked readers their thoughts on Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.’s time in office, and asked them to name some of his successes or failures during his administration so far. Well, so far he’s been Borough President for more than four years. It must be more and he’s done a lot of good things. He cleaned up the Bronx River and he’s got us more housing. He’s interested in that stuff, better living and better jobs for us. I think he’s been a good borough president. I think he wants to accomplish a lot for the Bronx and for

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

Hello Faithful Readers! The digital edition of the latest Norwood News, bringing you plenty of Bronx community news you can use, is out and hitting stands as I write. So many stories, it’s hard to know where to begin. We can start at the front page, with a missing persons case that’s rattled Bedford Park, Kingsbridge Heights and the Bangladeshi communities in the Bronx. Mahfuza Rahman, an aspiring nurse and mother, has not been seen since December. Police are now looking to question the husband, who flew back to his native Bangladesh with their 9-year-old daughter. Find out what representatives from

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Editorial: A Suicide in Kingsbridge Barely Goes Noticed 

At a low-income residence for the elderly in Kingsbridge, a resident opened their window one recent grey morning and plunged to their death, spattering on the pavement. The suicide, happening at the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Webb Avenue Residence directly across from the James J. Peters Veterans Administration Hospital, startled plenty of onlookers even as a security guard draped a white blanket over the body. Many began their work day with the disturbing image burned in their mind, and plenty of questions. The suicide wasn’t even a blip in the local media’s radar, except the Norwood News’, which made note

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Inquiring Photographer : What Do You Think About the Citywide Slashings?

This week we asked readers their thoughts on the recent string of slashing incidents happening across the city and what could be done to stop it. Well, I don’t know if they can stop it. Nowadays people are just reckless and out of control. They don’t really have a motive to do things; they just do it to impress their friends and stuff. It will be hard to stop because there are too many things going on. But I feel safe around here. Isaura DeLuna Bedford Park It’s a big problem and I think they should crack down on that.

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

Hello Faithful Readers: The Norwood News brings you the latest edition of the community newspaper, with plenty of Bronx news you can use. With 24 packed pages, it’s tough determining where to begin. Well, we’ll go to page one and a recent spike in crime at the local 52nd Precinct, which is dealing with a spike in burglaries. Thieves hit several stores around the busy Jerome-Gun Hill Business Improvement District, with some taking the news in stride while others deeply concerned. Check out the nifty map detailing where the crimes have occurred. We also bring you some sad news of a

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