Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Former President Donald Trump’s Indictment on Federal Charges

This week, we asked readers for their thoughts on former U.S. President Donald Trump becoming the first former president of the United States to be indicted on federal charges.   “Well, if he did something wrong, he should be indicted. He seems like he’s scattered by one thing after another. I think he should be held responsible for it all. Will he be convicted? It’s hard to say because he has good lawyers and sometimes, he gets out of some things; it’s possible.” Mazie Robinson, Fordham Manor “Donald Trump is a person with every right accorded [to] someone accused of a

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Op-Ed: Bring Paid Family Leave after Stillbirth to a Vote Now

Stillbirth is still birth. “A woman who has a stillborn child still goes through the trauma of labor and birth, and this is compounded by the loss of a child,” wrote Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson in her April 2023 Black Maternal Health Week letter to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul.   But right now, our Bronx representative and speaker of the New York State Assembly, Carl Heastie, seems to think it’s okay for New York to revoke a mother’s right to previously-approved paid leave and tell her to “get back to work” only days after birthing and then burying a

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UPDATE Guerinos Against Graffitti* Share Results of Local Clean-Up of East 204th Street

Local graffiti removal group, Guerinos against Graffitti* have been thanked by their neighbors following the group’s confirmation that most of the graffiti on 204th Street between Mosholu Parkway and Valentine Avenue in Bedford Park has been recently removed. Sirio Guerino, cofounder of the group, said the work was done in honor of the May 52nd Precinct Community Council Meeting.   Local community members were grateful for the group’s efforts. “YAY Serio and the SAG group! On behalf of all long-time, Norwood residents ….THANK YOU!!!!,” said Marilyn Reyes.   Meanwhile, Friends of Mosholu Parkland said, “Thank you so much !!!”   Guerino

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Op-Ed: Manhattan May Not Notice Parks’ Budget Cut, Other Boroughs Will

Next time you walk through one of New York City’s 1,700 public parks, take a closer look at the names on the signs advertising park events, or at the shirts worn by people picking up trash. Do they say “NYC Parks” or the name of a private group? While NYC Department of Parks & Recreation (NYC Parks) performs many general park maintenance tasks, oftentimes private groups ensure that parks are clean, safe, and fun spaces.   According to New Yorkers for Parks, the City already spends less on its parks than other major U.S. cities, and this June, according to New

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on the Current Shape of the 2024 Presidential Election

With the recent announcements by Robert Kennedy Jr., a Democrat, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, of their candidacies for U.S. president, this week we asked readers their thoughts on the current shape of the 2024 presidential election.   “I’m looking at the non-traditional candidates. [President] Joe Biden has not been good, and [former President Donald] Trump is not such a good leader. No, Biden has not done a good job. I think Trump’s going to win, but he doesn’t know how to bring together the American people. He’s popular, but as a leader he’s not so great. He didn’t

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on the Bronx Week Parade Moving to the Grand Concourse

This week, we asked readers their thoughts on the shorter annual Bronx Week Parade and its move from Mosholu Parkway to Grand Concourse between 167th Street and 158th Street.   “Why did they move it? I actually attended the parade a couple of years ago when I was a part of Peace December, where peaceful artists came together, and I attended the festival. I think it’s better now that they moved it by the courthouse. I think it has to do with the protection there because things can happen with all these young kids nowadays and people, in general, doing

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on U.S. President Joe Biden Running for a Second Term

This week, we asked readers their thoughts on the recent announcement by U.S. President Joe Biden of his decision to run for reelection in 2024. If he were to win, he would be 82 years old when sworn into office.   “I think it’s fantastic. I think he’ll be a great, great president when he gets reelected. I don’t buy that [he’s too old]. I don’t believe in Fox News. I believe in facts, not fiction. The president has all his faculties, absolutely! He will run again. Against whom? No comment if you catch my drift.” Jeff Corman, Kingsbridge “Well,

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on the Best Way for the City to Respond to EDPs Who Are Armed

  This week, we asked readers their opinions on the best way for City officials to respond to people experiencing a mental health crisis or so-called emotionally disturbed persons (EDPs) who are armed.   “I personally feel that instead of just talking to them, I feel like [the police] should just tase them, like detain them first. I feel like you can’t talk to a person with mental illness because you need to put them in a mental illness facility or a hospital… If you have mental illness, you shouldn’t be put in jail because they won’t learn anything, and

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Why People Oppose Banning Assault Weapons

  This week, we asked readers their thoughts on the possibility of banning assault weapons, and what is driving the opposition by some to banning the use by civilians of weapons of war.     “Assault weapons or machine guns shouldn’t be in the hands of regular citizens; they should only be used by the military, but all citizens should be able to own handguns and rifles. No one should be dying. Lawmakers should just take some action. They should just make the right choice. My thinking is if you know the history of how the police first began, they were

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