Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers! The twelfth edition of the Norwood News covering the Bronx, is out with plenty of community news you can use! While we normally begin with page one, we want to divert your attention to page 8 and the paper’s winning of a New York Press Club Award. The award went to our coverage of efforts to stop overdevelopment in Bedford Park following an eviction of building tenants. So proud of how far we’ve come to put our name out there! Especially grateful to Daniela Beasley, Deborah Cruz and Adi Talwar for sharing in the prize! Read the series that

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Norwood News Wins NY Press Club Award, a First

The Norwood News was honored June 5 by the New York Press Club in the first ever Community Coverage category. The paper was recognized for its series on efforts to stop overdevelopment in the neighborhood of Bedford Park amid an eviction proceeding that went awry for residents. The award honored the paper’s editor-in-chief, David Cruz, along with former reporter Daniela Beasley, freelance reporter Deborah Cruz, and freelance photographer Adi Talwar for contributing to the series. “We wish to thank Mosholu Preservation Corporation, publisher of the Norwood News, for supporting local community journalism for nearly 29 years,” David said. Ironically, it was David who lobbied the New York Press Club’s board of governors to consider creating the award, given the large number of small but incredibly relevant community journalism outlets across the city.

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Editorial: USPS and Bronx DA Need to Squash Mailbox Fishers

For the past two years, the commanding officer of the 52nd Precinct has sounded the alarm on so-called “fishing” scams where thieves feed adhesive and glue into a mailbox on the hopes of hoisting, or fishing, out mail containing money orders and checks. But the crime has not only bedeviled the precinct, but the entire Bronx. Indeed, this crime of opportunity remains even in the face of consistent arrests made on the scam. It’s also time to call out the United States Postal Service for allowing this crime to continue. The United States Postal Service, which cries over loss of

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, It’s that time again! The latest edition of the Norwood News, covering the Bronx, is out with plenty of community news you can use. We begin with the front page and the story that impacts you the most. We’re talking about the impending return of the Community Board 7’s district manager. If you live in the neighborhoods of Norwood, Bedford Park, Fordham, Kingsbridge Heights, and University Heights, then the return could affect you. Read the story about Andrew Sandler, who’s been on medical leave for four months. Politics is on the mind of the Norwood News and we have a story

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Norwood News Picks Up Ippies Awards, a Three-Peat

The Norwood News was recognized for several awards, continuing its streak in producing award-winning community journalism. The paper was recognized on May 18 at the Independent Press awards, commonly known as the “Ippies.” There, the paper took home a second place prize for Best Small Circulation Publication, adding to the first place prizes it received for the category in 2015 and 2016, a veritable 3-peat. “This feisty little bi-weekly produces an impressive variety of original stories with just one full-time staffer,” read Tom Robbins, lead judge and investigative journalist in residence for the CUNY School of Journalism, which sponsors the

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Inquiring Photographer: The MTA’s Plan to Improve Service

This week we asked readers their thoughts on the performance of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) subway and bus service in light of a six-point plan to decrease delays. I spent four hours this weekend on the train and it should have taken less than two. The D train was re-routed; there was no messages posted, so I didn’t know where I was going to get back to the Bronx. So it took me four hours. There seems to be some consistency because it’s always happening. You pay more, but the service stays poor. Lola Ferrer Norwood   I think

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Caring for Caregivers, Courtesy of Montefiore

Montefiore Health System is New York City’s first medical center to offer families a Caregiver Support Center. The role of caregiver can be demanding, stressful and lonely; the Center offers patients’ families and friends a private, safe, soothing and confidential environment to reflect, talk, and meet with the medical team. Professional staff and specially-trained Caregiver Coach Volunteers ensure caregivers find the warm, welcoming atmosphere they deserve. Services are free of charge to Montefiore patients. The Center is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to  5:00 p.m.   For more information, please visit: Montefiore’s Volunteer & Student Services department is looking

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Financial Focus: Income Tax Planning 2017

A new government, a new tax plan, a new world! Have you read or heard about some of the new tax and economic policy changes for 2017? They include: *20% Import Tax on Canadian Imports *Elimination of 3.8% Investment Tax to pay for healthcare *President Trump calls for Income Tax Overhaul *ObamaCare: gone! Yes, after eight years of tax and financial policy under President Barack Obama, our new President, is proposing (and is already implementing) a tax and financial policy which will change our U.S. economy and your pocketbook at the same time. In simple terms, being proposed is: *a 66% Small Business

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