Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The latest edition of the Norwood News, covering the Norwood and the surrounding Bronx communities, is out with our second to last issue before year’s end (time flies when you’re having fun). With 16 pages of news from end to end, it’s best we get into it. We begin with page one, of course, and the issue of the Jerome Avenue Rezoning plan still in the making. The plan has received the blessing from the Bronx Borough Board, though with stipulations attached. Critics say it does not go far enough. Read what reporter Aaron Mayorga dug up. Inside

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Health Check: Avoid Painkillers When Possible

You may be hearing a lot about opioids lately, particularly in the Bronx where more residents die of drug overdoses than in any other borough. Frequently used opioids include illegal drugs like heroin, but also legal drugs like morphine, hydrocodone (such as Vicodin), oxycodone (such as Percocet and OxyContin), and codeine (such as Tylenol #3). These drugs can be highly addictive and share similar effects on the body like relaxation, pain relief, and feeling “high.” But in higher doses, they can also lead to respiratory failure (when your breathing slows or stops) and death.  Fentanyl, a known opioid, is particularly dangerous

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Stress-Busting Tips for Caregivers This Holiday Season

Two words that the holidays bring to mind for many of us these days are food and stress. With no shortage of sugary, fattening foods and a seemingly never-ending to-do list, it is easy for people with busy lives, particularly family caregivers who often lack time to care for themselves, to resort to unhealthy food habits like stress-eating during the holidays. Does this picture sound familiar: the holiday is right around the corner, you’ve been tending to your elderly parents all day, traveling to appointments, doing housework, and running errands while squeezing in that last minute holiday shopping, decorating, gift wrapping, cooking, and travel plan coordination.

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Financial Focus: Is NY Ready for a New Federal Gov’t?

Yes, there has been much confusion regarding the congressional tax bill that has just passed. I even have a few clients that are still in denial that this is happening. “It’s not gonna pass Anthony. There are too many congressional disagreements,” says one of my clients (we will call them “Mark”). “‘But Mark,’ I said, ‘I think it’s clear that tax rates will be adjusted and your tax life has to adjust with it. Or you won’t like your tax bite or refund next year.’” “Thanks Anthony, but I’ll keep it the way it is.” Now, my bigger worry is

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The Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

The 23rd edition of the Norwood News, covering the Norwood section of the Bronx, is out. We begin with page one and the worst landlords in Norwood. Public Advocate Letitia James released the annual list of 100 worst landlords in New York City and Narsinh Desai came in at number 70, making him the worst landlord in Norwood. This edition also features the Kingsbridge National Ice Center, for which a state loan has been approved, a crime file about a wanted serial robber who has attacked at least eight women in Norwood and surrounding neighborhoods, and a movement by Community

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Financial Focus: Ready for Bitcoin?

I am humbled enough for the last seven years of my life to apply my 26 years of experience as a financial advisor, now to students, in the public educational and university system. A very interesting discussion happened recently in one of my classes, where the average age is 34. “So, bitcoin is now better currency than the US Dollar. Do you see how much it has gone up in the last year? My local brokerage company says I can buy some from them today and I’m thinking about it! Don’t you agree Prof. Rivieccio?” Bang! That truly was a

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Op-Ed: Keeping Holiday Cheer for Family Caregivers

Family caregiving can take many forms—from parenting a child with special needs who requires around-the-clock supervision, to caring long-distance for an elderly parent who is alone in the apartment they’ve spent their life living in. According to the Caregiver Action Network (CAN), there are “over 90 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age.” Undeniably this role is deeply rooted in love, and caregivers are happy to help their family members who need it. Still, it is important that family caregivers also acknowledge the added demands caretaking can bring. The holiday

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Financial Focus: Trump Says He Caused 25% Growth in Your 401(k)

It’s amazing! The same people who march​ in the streets against our President could be the ones benefiting the most if they have a 401(k) plan invested in stocks at their job. Since the election, the market has grown, year over year,  25 percent, the through biggest since 1936, according to a recent Goldman Sachs report. The highest, year over year, at 38 percent, came during the presidency of Ronald Reagan, followed by Bill Clinton at 30 percent and John F. Kennedy at 27 percent. What did Ronald, John and now Donald have in common? They believed in supply-side economics.

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The 22nd edition of the Norwood News , covering the Norwood section of the Bronx and its surrounding neighborhoods, is out! You can find them at 300 locations across the borough. We begin, of course, with page one and the election of now Councilman-elect Mark Gjonaj. Gjonaj, the Democratic nominee in the race for the 13th Council District, won his seat after spending $1 million. That number is significant since Council races ever get to that threshold. Find out who are some possible contenders for the soon-to-be vacant Assembly seat covering Norwood. Other inside the cover stories include Bronx

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