Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

The fifth edition of the Norwood News, primarily covering the northwest Bronx, is out with plenty of community news. We have 16 pages full of news for you to share with your friends, family, and make you the smartest person in the room! We begin with page one and a quality of life inconvenience that is being addressed: loud parties and spurts of violence at Devoe Park in University Heights. Reporter Niall Ridgley reports that it’s the off season now, and Councilman Fernando Cabrera has ordered gates to be installed at nine of the park’s entrances. Hear what residents have

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At State of the Borough, BP Highlights Fixes and Needs

  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. delivered his ninth State of the Bronx address before an audience of supporters, well-wishers, and fellow elected officials. For nearly 45 minutes, Diaz stood composed as he delivered a speech that largely underscored the borough’s positives while lambasting the city’s shortcomings. But read between the lines, Diaz’s speech also showed his sights set on higher office. “Look at how different things are in this borough today than just a decade ago,” Diaz said. “We have set the bar for the entire nation on transformative urban renewal and development. We are the new standard

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Financial Focus: Delay, Delay, Delay!

So, now everyone thinks they are a do-it-yourself tax preparer. That’s wonderful! I’m curious: does the box you bought your software in tell you the following: Tax refunds may face additional examination before you receive them. Yes, welcome to Income “Tax Hell Oops” Season 2018-2017 Taxes. While “the loss of deductibility effect” on the new tax laws actually take place for 2018  taxes, President Donald Trump says many are skirting the IRS system now and for this year’s taxes. He says he’s going to do something about it. You’ll need a Social Security number in order to claim certain tax

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The latest edition of the Norwood News, covering the Bronx, is out with plenty of community news you can use. We’ve published 16 pages worth of great information for the borough’s residents, so let’s get into it. We begin, of course, with page one and an interesting development regarding a homeless shelter plan for Norwood. It seems the New York City Department of Homeless Services responded to pressure from the community by relocating a planned shelter to a different part of Norwood. But now concerns have surfaced over the new location of the shelter, which isn’t exactly near

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The 411 on 311 Complaints in Norwood

When it came to the more than 15,000 complaints logged to 311 in the Norwood section of the Bronx, tenants at 3525 Decatur Ave. had the most contact with the data-gathering system in 2017, with the bulk of complaints caused by noise. Those were some of the findings determined in an analysis by the Norwood News which reviewed 311 calls filed in Norwood last year. Some questions answered included how long it took a 311 complaint to close, the top 10 buildings with the most 311 complaints in Norwood, what days were most popular to open and close a 311 complaint, and

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Opinion: Building Strong Schools Through Community Engagement

With over 50 years of experience as an educator, I know that it truly takes a village to deliver for students. In each school community, that village is made up of teachers, administrators, support staff, outside partners and of course, families. While I often say it all comes down to what happens in the classroom, when it comes to building strong school communities, families are critical partners. That’s why, as Chancellor, I’ve made family engagement a priority for all of our schools, and there has been an unprecedented investment in families. Whether we’re bringing parents into the classroom to teach

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Financial Focus: Where’s My Check? Welcome to Tax Season

Well folks, this is week one of income tax season, and I again ask myself the same question: why? I can honestly say that tax advisory services does bring in 40 percent of our revenue. Of course, that’s a good thing. The Bad: Monday call: “I want to know how much you charge? My taxes are simple but I have a big problem.” Wednesday call (After free 30-minute phone conversation): “…are you sure you know what your talking about? My grandmother never did it this way.” Friday call: “Where’s my check?” Welcome to my world: 16 weeks of wonderful madness called income tax

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers! The latest edition of the Norwood News, largely covering the northwest section of the Bronx, is out with plenty of community news you can use. We pack 16 pages worth of news so let’s get started! We begin, as usual, with page one. There you’ll find a nice human interest story on Nilda Hofmann, a born-and-bred Bronxite who rose to the rank of NYPD Chief of Community Affairs in January. We’ll take you to the ceremony where the 28-year veteran received her gold star from NYPD top cop James O’Neill. You’ll also hear how the NYPD’s Neighborhood

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Editorial: Not a Good Message, Mr. Council Speaker

When New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson took the reins from his predecessor, Melissa Mark-Viverito, we knew change was certainly inevitable. We just didn’t think this was going to happen. Within two weeks from the time Mr. Johnson was sworn in, out went several members of the Speaker’s Public Technology Unit, whose job was to work with the city’s diverse community and ethnic media. This move, which the office addressed as benign, spoke volumes. Four staffers were let go; all of them Latina women. The four employees worked well in sending out a message to New York’s community and

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