Financial Focus: So What If 2nd Quarter GDP is at 4.1%

Well, I am sure by now you heard the ramblings from TV, social media, radio, and of course our President: “Our economy is growing at 4.1 percent.” So what? There are many things you do not hear in those 30-second soundbites. One of them is that 4.1 percent represents, the second quarter of the year (April through June), not the whole year. What if I told you after you account for the first quarter of 2018, that 4.1 percent now gets averaged to three percent for six months? Now, don’t get me wrong. first half of the year growing at

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Norwood News Takes a Break and Returns Aug. 13

As has been the case for years, the Norwood News will be taking its summer hiatus, and this current edition will cover virtually the entire month of August. This means readers won’t see another print edition until Aug. 30. We’ll be around, of course. You’ll find our bylines on the website, You may also continue to send tips, letters, and story ideas to Editor-in-Chief David Cruz at or

Health Check: When is a Drink a Drink in the Summer?

During the summer, many adult Bronxites may find themselves drinking more fluids, including adult beverages ranging from beer to specialty drinks at restaurants or at home. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes certain groups should not drink at all, including those under the legal drinking age of 21, women who are or may become pregnant, people who are driving, planning to drive, or are participating in other activities requiring skill, coordination, and alertness.  Also, people taking certain prescription or over-the-counter medications that can interact with alcohol, people with certain medical conditions and people who are recovering from

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The latest edition of the Norwood News is out, though this time it’s our traditional one-month edition. That’s right, one month. But it’s packed with plenty of news that will get you talking for the month so let’s start with page one. Our epic page one story focuses on several political rumblings and races heading into the September primary. For the Bronx, that’s usually a time where Democrats will decide who will want to be their general election nominee. You’ll hear from the candidates in the closely watched 34th Senate District and the lone nominee for the

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Opinion: The Great Equalizer, Serving as a Juror With Mayor Bill de Blasio

I didn’t expect to have one foot in as a private citizen and the other as a reporter during my sole day as a juror at Manhattan Criminal Court. I figured I’d brace myself for two days of killing my hours in a giant room nervously awaiting my name to be called as though it were some kind of death sentence. But, the day before as I was wrapping up a long production day, in came the email showing the next day’s public schedule for Mayor Bill de Blasio: jury duty. I immediately told this to my wife via text,

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Editorial: Why Newspapers Should Matter to You

For those who haven’t heard, the New York Daily News saw some of the most brutal cuts to its reporting staff in recent memory. No one was safe, not even the librarians who archive the paper’s work. You may not notice it right away—no sector is immune to layoffs–but the pain of the layoffs could easily affect you. Follow us here: Without reporters you may not know what’s happening down the street, how to best shame a bad landlord putting tenants in harm’s way, and what the people you elected to represent you in public office are up to. That’s

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Financial Focus: Prices? Inflation? Greed? What’s That?

If you are familiar with this column, you will know that I am an adjunct college professor at a public college in the Bronx and one of my summer school classes I am teaching focuses on retirement planning. So understanding inflation is of the utmost importance. For example, $1 today at three percent inflation per year will devalue the dollar to .97 cents by next year, .85 cents in five years, and .70 cents in a decade.  The government tells what is inflation in our economy through a measure called the Consumer Price Index (CPI). But what’s in that box? The Bureau of Labor Stats

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The latest edition of the Norwood News, covering the Bronx, is out and loaded with 20 pages of original news content covering the Bronx. In keeping with tradition we begin with page one! This one focuses on the re-opening of Whalen Park, which unlike other park projects has opened in record time (see headline). Find out how what prompted this park to open so quickly. Also, you can hear from what parents think of the revamped park. On page 3 you’ll find a great feel-good story of Bobby Gonzalez, a Norwood man who will be honored for his

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Inquiring Photographer: Crime in the Bronx

This week we asked readers about the latest NYPD statistics that show overall crime is down, but homicides, shootings and rapes are all up substantially. I think it’s worse than ever. I’m going to be honest with you, I was telling people it seems like we’re going back to the ‘90s a little bit, when something was always happening in every neighborhood. It wasn’t just pinpointed in one area, it’s just everywhere now. They need to have more cops patrolling on foot, not driving by. They need to walk through neighborhoods that they know violence is happening and drugs being

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