Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The year’s eleventh edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of great community news stories to dive into. There’s almost something happening in this corner of the Bronx, and we’ve captured a good chunk of it. And as usual, we’ll start with page one! Our front-page story analyzes the ongoing construction happening in Norwood and Bedford Park. It’s part of a larger trend of construction happening in the city. Read the story by me and Alondra Vasquez. Also, you maybe want to check out our map outlining some projects. Inside the cover you’ll find a piece

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Editorial: Norwood’s Construction and Its Ties to Our Absent Mayor

The genesis of this edition’s cover story came about after editor David Cruz and reporter Alondra Vasquez drove around Norwood and Bedford Park, taking stock of the myriad of hard hats, construction equipment, and the oft rerouted traffic patterns that comprise typical ordinary construction. Yep, Norwood and Bedford Park have entered another wave of construction, the first happening after 2012, a year after the city authorized a massive rezoning effort along Webster Avenue. This new wave of construction was evident in the intricate grid in Norwood, where crews clad in orange vests were spotted in front of the Capital Bank

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The year’s tenth edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of great community news stories to dive into. There’s never a dull moment in the Bronx, and we’ve captured a good chunk of it. And as usual, we’ll start with page one! Our front-page story looks at the results of the annual Participatory Budgeting process that’s become a staple for Councilman Andrew Cohen. The results were unveiled on May 6, with some surprising results. Read the story by Emily Suzanne Lever and myself. Inside the cover you’ll find a piece on Assemblyman Michael Blake, who has ties

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The year’s ninth edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of community news you can use. There’s 20 pages full of great stories impacting the Bronx. And as usual, we’ll start with page one! Our front-page story has Mosholu Preservation Corporation (publisher of the Norwood News), asking a question: what are Norwood’s consumer needs? Norwood residents and stakeholders offered their take at a workshop that happened April16. But read about the needs from those who didn’t attend the workshop. We’ve picked up patterns. Inside the cover you’ll find a piece on Norwood Councilman Andrew Cohen

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Financial Focus: Post-Tax Season 2018, Winners & Losers

So who was the big winner of tax reform? The lower class taxpayer? The middle class? The wealthy? Small businesses? Big businesses? Grandparents? Children? Well, some yes and some no were some winners but the big, big, big winner is the same as it’s been for the last 20 years: Big banks and big tax preparation service firms. How? Well, by taking advantage of the biggest losers: low-income taxpayers. Sadly, most taxpayers use their tax refund as a forced (yes, a twisted view) savings account. Therefore, these taxpayers need their income quickly, especially low-income workers. And big tax preparation companies

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Inquiring Photographer: Should de Blasio Run for President?

This week we asked readers their thoughts on Mayor Bill de Blasio’s possible bid to run for President of the United States. I wouldn’t let him walk my dog, and I don’t even own a dog. He shouldn’t even be running the city of New York because he’s a complete imbecile. Edward Burroughs Norwood     Maybe, I think he’s trying to do a good job, but it would be better for him to be in the White House, so he could do the right thing for people. But he has to deliver for the city first and then he

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Inquiring Photographer: Congestion Pricing Fix List

This week we asked readers where the money collected through Congestion Pricing tolls should go to improve the buses and subways. Well, they need to accommodate women with carriages on buses; so I think they need to install more wheelchair snaps in so we would be able to snap in baby strollers in the same blue chair accessible spots. Right now, we’re not allowed to do that so they need to put some money into that, because their excuse is they are unable to accommodate so many mothers. Money should also be spent so that there’s elevators at every train station and create

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The year’s eighth edition of the Norwood News with plenty of community news you can use. We’ve packed 20 pages full of great stories impacting the Bronx. And as usual, we’ll begin with page one! Our front-page story looks at the contentious issue of bringing another high school into the DeWitt Clinton Campus. Students and staffers of DeWitt Clinton High School oppose the decision by the New York City Department of Education. Jose A. Giralt was there for a hearing where there was more opposition than support. Find out why this is happen at a critical point in

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Financial Focus: Where’s My Tax Refund?

Where’s my tax money? Well, after now, our recent two-year experience with the change in the tax code we now know: Many things! From the new IRS postcard to the new formulas and worksheets. Of course, many people were happy with the front end of the new tax bill when passed by Congress in 2017. In 2018, on average, everyone received a two percent tax cut. Yes, you did. If you got paid , every two weeks, yes you probably received it. And, for example, on $50,000 of income, that would be a  $1,000 total tax cut. And yes, evidence

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