Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The year’s fourteenth edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of great community news stories to dive into and share. There’s plenty of news to report in this corner of the Bronx, and we’ve captured a good chunk of it. And as usual, we’ll start with page one! Our front-page story focuses on the results of the latest Community Board 7 elections, with board members going a different direction in voting for a new chair. Read about the new agenda for Emmanuel Martinez, the newly installed chair of Community Board 7 by myself and Síle Moloney.

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Financial Focus: New York Landlords to Lose 100% Profit Every 25 Years

Rent reform will be all the rage this summer as our elected officials will crow (now that tenants have the upper hand) about dealing with landlords. Yes, it is true. Now, landlords will have to find “new and innovative ways” to make money. Now, they can’t just throw you out or take advantage in the change of the Bronx. Yes, I mean the change! Not demographic, but from generational to transitional. For the last 25 years, the Bronx has become more of a transitional place where people move on. A borough president study from years ago shows that the average

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Inquiring Photographer: Presidential Candidates

This week we asked readers their thoughts on the Democratic candidates for the 2020 presidential election including New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. De Blasio is good to be mayor, but I don’t think he can compete for the U.S. presidential election. He’s not good, I don’t think so. I think Joe Biden has the most experience and he has a plan. All of the Democrats look good. MD Ali Washington Heights     So far no one stands out. No, I don’t like [former Vice President Joe] Biden. I don’t know, I think we need new faces and

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Financial Focus: The Difference Between a Broker and An Advisor

When I graduated with my BA from college in Business Economics, I did what every person did in 1987: got a business entry desk job or a job in Wall Street. Starting on Wall Street from 1992 to 1997, I learned the “hidden secret” about how some can make” a million dollars real quick! Stockbrokers got paid, not based on their advice and expertise, but on the product they sold for a commission. Now is that in someone’s best interest? This was how Wall Street was born in the 1920s, but in the 1970s there was a “no commission” movement.

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The year’s thirteenth edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of great community news stories to dive into. There’s almost something happening in this corner of the Bronx, and we’ve captured a good chunk of it. And as usual, we’ll start with page one! Our front-page story focuses on more additions slated for the Jerome Avenue Men’s Shelter, which will now see a drug treatment center offered to those not housed at the shelter. Read the story by Jose A. Giralt. Read why the move has irked Community Board 7. Inside the cover you’ll find a piece on a barely

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Financial Focus: Summer School Income Tax Planning

By the time you read this, summer school for colleges will begin. Yes, it’s time for college seniors to either make up those last classes, or adults, to continue their education. Myself, I will be spending the summer in the Business Department teaching what I believe will be the most important class that one could take this year: how to lower their tax burden in perpetuity. As I am sure you learned from your 2018 tax preparation, yes, your tax refund was probably lower! Remember, the 2017 tax reform changes effected many new things: lower individual and business tax rates,

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The year’s twelfth edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of great community news stories to dive into. There’s almost something happening in this corner of the Bronx, and we’ve captured a good chunk of it. And as usual, we’ll start with page one! Our front-page story captures the conclusion to the New York City Department of Education’s plan to co-locate another school at the DeWitt Clinton Campus. Read the story by Jose A. Giralt. Read what Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza said about the hard fought, yet unsuccessful, campaign by the opposition. Inside the cover

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Inquiring Photographer: Readers’ Summer Plans

With the unofficial start of summer upon us, we asked readers their plans for the coming summer. I expect to be working, but I will take one month off in July. I will go to the beach; I like to swim. I will spend time with the family, attend some cookouts. I love going to the beach in this weather, visit the different parks. It’s going to be great. Perla Abreau Norwood   Actually, I’m going to visit family in Sicily, Italy, and I haven’t been there in 10 years. I’m going to see my grandmother and grandfather, my aunts

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Financial Focus: Competition Makes the Product Stronger and Cheaper

Editor’s Note: While this article is geared toward finance, it is also geared toward the love of wrestling fans. I should also disclose that I occasionally contribute (wrestling articles) to wrestling magazine 1wrestling since 1996. In 1964, 55 years ago, there was, a fourth wrestling organization created, The World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF). Vince McMahon Sr., jumping in the split pot, created by the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) in 1956 (which spurred three other organizations prior) became the fourth, by having former NWA two-time (and the first WWWF) champion Buddy Rogers, lose to challenger, Bruno Sammartino and as the story

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