Letters to the Editor

Oppose Gas-Fired Facility Less than 50 miles north of our Norwood-Bedford Park community, residents of Newburgh, NY and nearby towns and cities are fighting a plan by Danskammer Energy LLC to turn a little used power plant on the shore of the Hudson River into a year-round, 24/7 fracked gas facility. The proposed gas-fired plant would generate air pollutants, including nitrogen oxides, which can cause serious respiratory problems, and carbon dioxide and methane, which trap heat in the atmosphere and are the key culprits in the warming of our planet. Because air pollutants travel, residents of the Bronx (well known

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The year’s seventeenth edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of interesting community news stories to read and share. We have 28 pages packed full of news from this corner of the Bronx, capturing all kinds of stuff happening in the borough. And as usual, we’ll start with page one! For our front-page story, we delve into the ongoing heroin epidemic that appears to be a permanent fixture in the Bronx. A report from the New York City Health Department shows an increase in the number of opioid-related deaths in 2018, an eight percent increase. Reporter

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Financial Focus: What Recession?

Like room temperature, economists like myself look at the economy to see if it is under- or over-heating, quarterly and annually. Most economists use many tools for their analysis. Underneath are some from the Bureau of Economic Statistics (BES). The GDP “growth rate” shows how much more the economy produced than in the previous quarter. The ideal rate is between 2 and 3%. In a healthy economy, unemployment and inflation are in balance. In 2017 current GDP increased 4.7 percent. It follows a 4.2 percent expansion in the previous period which was the highest since the third quarter of 2014.

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Op-Ed: State Public Financing Would Reduce Role of Big Money in NY Elections

This is an exciting moment to discuss public financing of elections. New York City’s small dollar matching funds program was designed to reduce the role of big money in elections and make contributions from everyday New Yorkers more valuable. The matching funds program has done exactly that for three decades, and recent changes to the program give small dollar contributors an even larger role. This program has become a model to other jurisdictions as more than a dozen states have adopted their own public financing systems. And with the creation of a state campaign finance commission, New York is the

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Inquiring Photographer: Water Crimes?

This week we asked readers their thought on the police officers doused with water during recent arrests, including one in the Bronx, and whether these individuals should have been arrested on the spot.     I do think they should have arrested them right there on the spot. Why did they have to wait a day to arrest them? They should be charged with a misdemeanor, first of all, because I think they did it for fun as they were having a nice time.         When I first saw the video, it seemed like they were all

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The year’s  sixteenth edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of interesting community news stories to read and share. We have 28 pages packed full of news from this corner of the Bronx, capturing a good chunk of it. And as usual, we’ll start with page one! For our front-page story, we dive into the issue of loud partying at Van Cortlandt Park. Residents are so upset that after logging 165 noise complaints this year that were not heard, they penned and signed a letter of complaint to elected officials.  Inside the cover you’ll find

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Editorial: Take Ownership of Your Parks

In the last few weeks, the Norwood News has been peppered with calls and personal accounts of the conditions at the neighborhoods nearby parks, namely Mosholu Parkway and Williamsbridge Oval Park. The parks are routinely utilized by nearly every member of the community. From mothers sitting on benches watching their children running through sprinklers, to residents staying fit as they do laps around the track. It’s all there. Yet, despite this precious amenity that’s enriched the lives of many, a troubling aspect is rising two-fold. The first is the apparent neglect of Williamsbridge Oval Park the paper has seen in

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Inquiring Photographer: Borough-Based Jails

This week we asked readers their thoughts on the city’s proposal to build borough based jails, including one in Mott Haven, as a way of closing Rikers Island. The plan was recently rejected by the Bronx Borough President. Why would they put a jail in the boroughs? Where will it be located? If they put the jail here or anywhere else, how will the relationship be between the jail and the residents? I wonder how it will impact the community and its children; for me that’s a problem. They bring the prisoners to the courts? I didn’t know that. I

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The year’s fifteenth edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of great community news stories to dive into and share. We’ve packed 24 pages of news from this corner of the Bronx, capturing a good chunk of it. And as usual, we’ll start with page one! Our front-page story looks at the possible implications behind the Bronx Bus Network Redesign Plan, that could knock out several bus routes cutting through Norwood. Read what residents have to say about the news, and what can be done about it. Inside the cover you’ll find a piece on the

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