Longwood: Three People Charged for Stealing $173,000 from Bronx M.S. 302
Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark and Anastasia Coleman, special commissioner of investigation for the New York City School District announced on Wednesday, Nov. 4, that a NYC public school employee, the employee’s husband, and another person have been charged with corruption, grand larceny, and fraud charges for stealing over $173,000 from a Bronx middle school’s funds.
Bronx Man Gets 6½ Years for Domestic Assault in Westchester’s Pelham Manor Village
Norwood: Bronx Buccaneers & Others Pay Tribute to Late Volunteer Coach Dwight Downer
Following the death amid a road collision on Saturday, Nov. 30, of 60-year-old local, volunteer football coach Dwight Downer, players, friends and colleagues have been paying tribute to their friend and mentor. Downer coached local football team the Bronx Buccaneers, who regularly practice in the Williamsbridge Oval in Norwood, as well as Bedford Park’s DeWitt Clinton football team.
UPDATE Fordham Heights: 79-Year-Old Man Reported Missing Now Located
Friends of Animals to Spay/Neuter 100 Pets Belonging to NYC Residents in Need for Free
Representatives of Friends of Animals (FoA), an animal protection organization, are taking action to address what they say is a euthanasia crisis in animal shelters across the U.S., with those in New York City being no exception. They said the NYC Animal Care Center euthanized more than 1,400 cats and dogs in the first half of 2024.
East Bronx: 60-Year-Old Pedestrian & Beloved Football Coach Killed in Motor Vehicle Pile-Up
Norwood: Water Leak Resolved without Incident on Reservoir Oval
Manhattan University Announces the Launch of the James Patterson Honors Program
Representatives from Manhattan University, formerly Manhattan College, announced the launch on Nov. 13 of the James Patterson Honors Program, an institution-wide initiative that will involve faculty from the University’s three schools and high-performing students pursuing a wide-range of academic disciplines.