MLB & Yankees Build New Sensory Room at One World Middle School

Major League Baseball (MLB) and the New York Yankees hosted an event on Oct. 28 to unveil plans to build a new sensory room at One World Middle School in the Edenwald section. Sensory rooms provide a calm and safe environment for kids with autism.

Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition Goes Bronxwide on 50th Anniversary

At its 50th anniversary gala held at Manhattan College in Fieldston on Friday, Oct. 18, the Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition (NWBCCC) marked the end of an era, announcing its merger with the Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative (BCDI), a partnership that will expand the two group’s collective reach across the entire borough.

Health Check: Do You Mind? How to Think Like a Teen

While I work with teens, parents often come to me with questions like: What is my kid watching on their phone all day? Why do they ask for independence but avoid responsibilities? When I try to give advice, why do they get angry with me?