“Coach D” Remembered

Family, friends, colleagues, and players, young and old, who were trained by 60-year-old volunteer football coach, Dwight Downer, gathered in the Williamsbridge Oval Park in Norwood on Friday, Dec. 5, for a moving, candlelit vigil to pay tribute to their relative, friend, and mentor who died tragically following a multiple-vehicle road collision on Saturday morning, Nov. 30, a few minutes after midnight.

Santa’s Helpers Decorate Holiday Tree Ahead of BP’s Winter Wonderland Celebration

Workers atop two cherry pickers were busy preparing a large Holiday Tree at Lou Gehrig Plaza in front of Bronx Borough Hall on 161st Street in the Concourse section of The Bronx on Wednesday, Nov. 4, in preparation for the Bronx Borough President’s Annual “Winter Wonderland” celebration which took place the following day on Thursday, Dec. 5.