Elections 2023: Democratic CM Marjorie Velázquez Concedes District 13 Race to Republican Kristy Marmorato

Democratic District 13 City Council Member Marjorie Velázquez conceded the general election in her district held Nov. 7 to her Republican opponent, Kirsty Marmorato, on Thursday, Nov. 9. As reported, Marmorato had a narrow lead on Velázquez on Election Night at poll closure with 49.97 percent of the vote to Velázquez’s 49.25 percent, but a few hours later, with 98.33 percent of voting scanners returned, Marmorato’s lead had stretched to 52.46 percent (6,571 votes) to Velázquez’s 46.81 percent (5,863 votes), based on Election Day and early votes. The Republican candidate who ran a campaign based on quality of life and public safety concerns, declared victory in the race later that night.

Health Check: November is Diabetes and Prediabetes Awareness Month 

The holiday season is here, a time when many people gather with family and friends to celebrate and eat great food. With all the celebrations, it can be easy to overindulge, but it is important, especially for people with diabetes and prediabetes, to be mindful of what we are eating.