Future of Van Cortlandt Jewish Center Still Uncertain

The future of Van Cortlandt Jewish Center (VCJC), as well as the many programs it provides, continues to remain in jeopardy as its representatives negotiate with a developer to sell the property, along with a private home the center owns on the block. Simultaneously, community residents, congregants, and users of VCJC are hoping the center’s management will listen to their concerns and how its potential closure would leave a void in the community.

Bronx BP Hosts Annual Iftar Dinner Dialogue

Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson joined the Bronx Muslim community on Thursday, March 14, in the Rotunda of Bronx Borough Hall for her annual Bronx Iftar Dinner Dialogue to mark the holy month of Ramadan, a time for fasting, prayer, and acts of kindness, which this year started on March 12 and concludes on April 9.

Garifuna Heritage Celebrated at Bronx Borough Hall

Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson joined author José Francisco Aviles and The Garifuna Coalition, USA, Inc. for an evening celebrating Garifuna culture, tradition, and music in the Rotunda of Bronx Borough Hall on Thursday, March 7. The colorful celebration included performances of traditional folk dances and songs.