Volunteers Clean VCP Pond as “Daylighting” of Tibbetts Brook Advances

For most of the year, visitors to Van Cortlandt Park’s Hester & Piero’s Mill Pond are usually entertained by throngs of duck and geese flying and landing on the water. However, when the weather gets warm, an unwelcome, invasive guest makes an appearance, hindering the fowls’ routine of take-off and landing. That invader goes by the name “water chestnut.”

P.S. / M.S. 95 Students Hone Governance Skills   

UNDER THE DIRECTION of Principal Serge Marshall Davis, a multi-layered, student government is currently active at P.S./M.S. 95, The Sheila Mencher School, located in Van Cortlandt Village. Instructional coach and student council advisor, Andrea Faulkner, says students are encouraged to join the student council to broaden their educational experience.

2nd Food & Farm Walking Tour Takes in Bedford Park & Norwood  

The 2nd Bronx Food & Farm Walking Tour of 2023 around the historic Bedford Park and Norwood neighborhoods took place on Saturday, July 22, in conjunction with New York Botanical Garden/Bronx Green-Up, Montefiore Einstein, Friends of Mosholu Parkland, The James Baldwin Outdoor Learning Center, and B Blossom Catering, a plant-based gourmet food company.

Food Program ‘Prescribing’ Fresh Produce Launches in The Bronx

Healthcare professionals will now get the opportunity to prescribe healthy fresh foods to select families in The Bronx through a new pilot program. Retail chain, Stop & Shop, The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM), About Fresh nonprofit, and Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson announced the launch of a new program on July 12.

Concerns over Trash Around the Reservoir Oval Continue

Concerns over trash around the Reservoir Oval East in Norwood continue. What appear to be bags of household trash were seen and photographed between parked cars and the retaining wall around the Reservoir Oval by Wayne Avenue on July 7. The discovery follows previous complaints by residents in June of residual trash by the retaining wall seen in the same vicinity of the Reservoir Oval in Norwood which some residents allege is not being regularly swept.

Feds Announce $25M for 173 E-Bike Charging Stations at Over 50 NYCHA Sites for Safe E-Bike Access

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand stood alongside NYC Mayor Eric Adams on June 25 to announce funding of $25 million for 173 safe e-charging and storage stations at more than 50 NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA) sites. Schumer and Gillibrand said the federal funds will go towards the construction, and electrical work needed to make the project complete.

Sanchez Announces $1 Million in “Participatory Budgeting” Projects

District 14 City Council Member Pierina Sanchez announced a million-dollar investment in various quality-of-life improvements going to schools, libraries, and senior centers in the district on June 20. The funding came by way of New York City Council’s participatory budgeting (PB) process which, according to New York City Council, is a democratic process in which community members directly decide how to spend part of a public budget.   According to the council, the concept originated in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 1989. Today, there are more than 3,000 participatory budgeting processes around the world, most at the municipal level. PB was launched

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