DOT Pushes Road Safety after Several Incidents Cause Traffic Chaos Across The Bronx

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez announced the launch of a new, e-bike safety campaign on March 19. The following day, March 20, Rodriguez joined some of the families of loved ones killed or injured on New York City streets at a separate event to call for the renewal and expansion of the City’s red-light camera program. The announcements came following a week of moped/dirt bike chaos across The Bronx.

JASA Older Adult Center Holds Memorial for Community Activists Nat Solomon & Cecilia Greene

The lives of Nat Solomon and Cecilia Greene, described by those who knew them as dedicated community activists, were celebrated recently during a heartfelt memorial event held in Van Cortlandt Village after they recently passed away one day apart. The late Nat Solomon died on Monday, Jan. 22, aged 80, and as reported, the late Cecilia Greene died on Tuesday, Jan. 23, at the age of 91.

Vigil Held on 25th Anniversary of Death of Amadou Diallo

Fervently chanting “Amadou! Amadou!” a large crowd of Bronx residents, activists, lawmakers, and clergy joined family members of both the late Amadou Balio Diallo and other young, Black men killed by police in the Soundview section of The Bronx on Saturday, Feb. 3, for a vigil marking the 25th anniversary of Diallo’s death. According to police and media reports at the time, Diallo, a Muslim Guinean, died after he was shot 19 times by police on Wheeler Avenue in Soundview shortly after midnight on Feb. 4, 1999. He was unarmed and aged 23.