Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers! The Norwood News is out with its latest edition covering the Bronx. In our third edition of the year, we bring you the latest! The front page story profiles the efforts made by the Bedford Mosholu Community Association (BMCA) to designate Bedford Park as a historic district with the goal of slowing real estate development in the neighborhood. Read what members of BMCA and the Historic Districts Council have to say. In Norwood, the suspect wanted for allegedly exposing himself to an underage boy was collared by the NYPD, and the long-planned North Bronx Islamic Center is slated to

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Norwood Muslim Center Looks to Open Soon

“As-Salaam-Alaikum,” Arabic for “Peace be unto you,” is what Muslims say before entering the mosque, or Masjid, at 3156 Perry Ave., whose lack of space has Norwood worshipers anticipating the opening of the North Bronx Islamic Center Inc. Located on the first floor of 261 E. 206th Street, the North Bronx Islamic Center is reserved specifically for prayer. The off-white walls are complemented by a huge portrait of the holy city of Mecca. On the left side there are multiple carpets for prayer left inside plastic wraps waiting to be spread out once the center opens. Towards the far left

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Bad Luck Hasn’t Gone Away for Norwood Post Office

For the second time in as many months, a post office in Norwood had its iron gates up, but its front door locked during weekday hours. But, this wasn’t the result of the partial federal government shutdown, but rather a busted water pipe. The Van Cott Post Office branch at 3102 Decatur Ave. by East 204th Street was shuttered on Tuesday, Jan. 22, one of the coldest days of the year. Signs reading “Water Pipe Burst” and “Station Will Re-Open Tomorrow” were seen on the front façade of the office. The situation worsened by the frigid 15-degree temperature leaving customers

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Suspect Wanted for Exposing Himself in Norwood Caught

After an extensive manhunt, the NYPD apprehended a man suspected of exposing himself and attempting to assault an 11-year-old boy in Norwood. News of the incident was shared on the 52 Precinct’s official Twitter account one day after officials posted a plea to help find the suspect. According to the police officials, the man approached the boy inside a residential building near East Gun Hill Road and DeKalb Avenue on Jan. 23 around 5:25 p.m. The man allegedly then took the 11-year-old to another floor and exposed his genitals to him. Video surveillance caught the suspect inside an elevator. Police

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Mayor’s Coming to the Bronx, and He’s Bringing City Hall With Him

Next week the annual City Hall in Your Borough: Resource Fair will be coming to the Bronx, and several high level officials from all New York City agencies will be attending. This will allow residents to speak with these city officials, and voice concerns. Representatives from the city’s Transportation, Finance, Police, Education, Health, and Parks Department will be on hand. They’ll also be joined by employees from the New York City Economic Development Corporation and City Hall. The event is slated from Jan. 29 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. It will be taking place at the Latino Pastoral Action

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A Bronx Street Without City Services for About 400 Years

Old Albany Post Road in Riverdale is unpaved and strewn with debris. Residents say cars are abandoned there, often left unattended sometimes for years. Their own cars, forced to navigate potholes and obstructions, have been damaged. Because of a massive puddle in the center of the road, which residents say is a year-round feature, the street was nicknamed “Lake Albany Post Road,” Any rain and the puddle consumes the opening of the street, preventing garbage trucks and other vehicles from driving onto it. A landlord of a Broadway building accessible from the tiny roadway built a wall to prevent the

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A Greener and Cleaner Vision for Bronx’s Hilltop Green

“Make it green. Make it clean.” Those two requests were repeated many times by residents of Van Cortlandt Village as they met inside Vladeck Hall to discuss how to make best use of the parcel of land known as Hilltop Green. Bounded by Van Cortlandt Park South – East Mosholu Parkway South – Sedgwick Avenue – and Dickinson Avenue, the unused greenspace touching the Van Cortlandt Village.  area is owned by the city Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The area has been described by the DEP as underutilized and providing “ample potential for green infrastructure.” More than just an effort

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Inquiring Photographer: Partial Government Shutdown

This week we asked readers who’s to blame for the partial government shutdown, President Donald Trump or the Democrats? I blame the President because he wants his stupid wall. I feel like it’s wrong and he’s making everything worse. He wants to build a wall that’s unnecessary at the moment. There’s bigger problems right now, like three wars. I think it’s going to end very, very badly and a lot of things are going to happen because of these little mistakes. Sandra Velez Allerton   Donald Trump is to blame for everything since he became President. He’s cashing in, doing

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Schumer to Amtrak: Get on the Train for Penn Station Access

U.S. Senator and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer is jumping into the latest campaign to press Amtrak into speeding up its negotiations over an expansion plan that would see four Metro-North stations in the Bronx. Schumer is among the growing number of elected officials pushing Amtrak to clear Metro-North to start the long-awaited project dubbed Penn Station Access. “I get a lot of money for Amtrak I am maybe its leading defender in the congress and I am asking Amtrak to step up to the plate,” said Schumer, standing outside Co-Op City’s Section 5, which overlooks Pelham Bay Bridge. “The

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