New Gallery at Kittay House

Kitty Fabrico (l) with her husband Steve and curator Victoria Marin (c), attend the Kittay House gallery exhibit opening featuring artworks painted by Kitty. The exhibit, dubbed “Shades of Dark and Light – Fine Portraits of People and Nature,” opened at the Kittay House, a senior home in Kingsbridge Heights, on March 20. It celebrated the work of the 86-year-old artist, a Holocaust survivor. The display was made possible from a grant by Councilman Fernando Cabrera, who represents the district. Photo by Miriam Quinones

Inquiring Photographer: Rezoning Jerome Avenue

This week we asked local residents their thoughts on the recent decision to rezone a large chunk of Jerome Avenue, a lofty plan that looks to bring 4000 units of affordable housing in the coming years. Before you rezone the area, where are the parking spaces going to be? You have no parking, the garages are filled, the schools are overcrowded. Before you start rezoning you need to come up with a cohesive plan. This is just taking the people who have been here for 20 or 30 years and throwing us to the sidelines and making it whatever the

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Jerome Avenue Approved for Massive Rezoning

After three years of back and forth talks, the Jerome Avenue Rezoning Plan was approved, opening the door for the rezoning of 92 blocks of Jerome Avenue, ushering in 4600 units of affordable housing, of which 1500 will be permanently affordable. The rezoning plan is the largest since the 1970s, and can jeopardize the neighborhood’s existing automotive sector. The plan represents a major win for City Council members Vanessa Gibson and Fernando Cabrera, whose districts cover the area to be rezoned. They believe rezoning will allow current residents to remain in place while adding to the stock of affordable housing.

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CB7 Honors Empowered Women

COMMUNITY LEADERS FROM the various professional sectors were honored at Community Board 7’s second annual Women’s Empowerment Summit, “Powerful Women Share Their Secrets of Financial Independence and Success.” The event happened March 28 at Herbert H. Lehman College and involved panels, mentoring sessions, and workshops about how women can network for success. The event comes at the end of March’s National Women’s History Month. Photo courtesy Marketing and Advertising Solutions

Battle Sprouts at Risse Street Garden

In the last five years, Elizabeth Carson has enjoyed cultivating her horticultural passions at Risse Street Garden, a tiny oasis insulated from the malaise of traffic at Jerome Avenue and Risse Street on the tip of Norwood. She’s proud to have put in the time. As a full-fledged volunteer gardener, Carson is entitled to keys to the city-owned garden, allowing her time to work the landscape, tend to perennials and enjoy the therapeutic thrill of seeing the birth of plants. But since last year, Carson’s sense of tranquility at the garden has been disrupted by a war of words with

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NCBH Spreads Benefits of Nutrition at Health Fair

Atop North Central Bronx Hospital (NCBH), staffers at the city-owned hospital joined nutritionists in spreading the word of a healthier diet at the National Registered Dietician/Nutritionist Day Conference on March 14. Check out these photos by Miriam Quinones. North Central Bronx Hospital in Norwood specializes in behavioral services, women’s health, and children’s health services. The event was part of March’s National Nutrition Month.

Neighborhood Notes: GEDs, Free Tax Filings

Free Commercial Lease Help Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition offers free legal help to small businesses in negotiating commercial leases with their landlords. Businesses have to be in New York City, must be non-franchise, have a household income below 500 percent of the federal poverty guideline, and have a new or renewal lease. For more information, contact Evy Viruet at (718) 584-0515 ext. 100. GEDs and Paid Internships Mosholu Montefiore Community Center offers the following for young adults ages 18 to 24: free classes and tutoring sessions to prepare for the exam to get their GED (orientation/registration sessions are

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A Family Caregiver’s Medication Management Checklist

Picture this: Your elderly father lives alone and sees a doctor for several chronic conditions, but his latest checkup has you troubled. His high blood pressure has been creeping up again, chronic pain seems unmanageable and, concerned about keeping diabetes under control, the doctor has prescribed new medications. When you stop by for a visit with your dad, you encounter unopened prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, half-empty containers of outdated drugs and an assortment of loose pills you cannot even begin to decipher. For many caring for an older loved one with several chronic conditions, this scenario may be heart-breaking and

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Health Check: Start Your Stop Smoking Plan

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), tobacco use through smoking is the most preventable cause of premature death in the United States. Tobacco use can lead to nicotine dependence. There is no safe way to use tobacco. Smokers have a higher risk of developing many serious health problems such as respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.  Using tobacco in cigarettes, cigars, pipes or hookah are all equally harmful and stopping is the best way to start getting healthy. Start your stop smoking plan with START:  S = Set a quit date. Choose a date

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