UPDATE Sparks Fly at Bronx Community Board 7 April General Board Meeting

Bronx Community Board 7 board members were the target of a stream of vulgar insults during last month’s general board meeting held at Scott Towers on April 23, when Norwood resident, AJ Ramos, berated the board, using profanities, and alleging they had not addressed matters he had raised at previous meetings.

Op-Ed: Urgent Action Needed to Restore Peace & Security to Woodlawn

The Woodlawn community is facing an urgent issue with repeated and disruptive street parties, particularly on Jerome Avenue and near 233rd Street, escalating into more severe criminal activities. This behavior, once peripheral, now threatens our neighborhood’s safety, with a noticeable increase in crimes such as vehicle theft and disturbances during daytime hours, affecting residents’ daily lives and sense of security.

Some Jewish Constituents Call Out Torres on Gaza Again

The latest demonstrations seen on the country’s college campuses are a reminder that many New Yorkers continue to vehemently oppose U.S. military support for Israel in the ongoing Israel-Hamas War. As of May 1, according to Al Jazeera’s live tracker, 1,139 people have been killed in Israel since Oct. 7, 2023, when Hamas carried out a terrorist attack in southern Israel and took around 240 Israelis hostage, some of whom have since been released.  

UPDATE Fordham University Student Sit-in for Gaza Commences on Bronx Campus, Rally also Held Outside

As ongoing student demonstrations in support of Gaza and Israel on New York City and other college campuses continue to dominate the nation’s television screens, along with what some see as controversial crackdowns on such protests by the NYPD and other police departments, around 20-30 people were seen rallying in support of Gaza outside the gates of Fordham University’s Bronx campus on Friday evening, May 3, at around 7 p.m. One attendee informed us that a sit-in by Fordham students had commenced earlier that day inside the walls of the college’s campus and was seemingly still ongoing.

Norwood: Two Sought for Robbery

The NYPD is asking for the public’s help identifying the people seen in the attached video and photos who they say are wanted in connection with a robbery that occurred in Norwood.