MLB & Yankees Build New Sensory Room at One World Middle School

Major League Baseball (MLB) and the New York Yankees hosted an event on Oct. 28 to unveil plans to build a new sensory room at One World Middle School in the Edenwald section. Sensory rooms provide a calm and safe environment for kids with autism.

Olinville: Marcus Garvey Square Unveiled

Huddled under raingear, tents, and umbrellas, a proud group of Bronx residents gathered in Olinville under the East Gun Hill Road elevated subway tracks and the day’s drizzle on Friday, Nov. 22, to see a long campaign by community activists come to fruition with the renaming of Williamsbridge Square as Marcus Garvey Square.   

City Council LGBTQIA+ Caucus Co-Chairs Release “Pride in Policy” Plan to Protect LGBTQIA+ New Yorkers

City Council Members Tiffany Cabán (C.D. 22) and Erik Bottcher (C.D. 3) gathered with other elected officials, advocates, and LGBTQIA+ community members on Wednesday, Nov. 20, on Transgender Day of Remembrance for the introduction of Pride in Policy: the New York City Council LGBTQIA+ Caucus’s updated policy report on “how New York City must uplift and protect the LGBTQIA+ community from the incoming incursions of the Trump administration.”

UPDATE ATF Raids Decatur Avenue Home after Years of Complaints

After years of complaints about a Norwood home allegedly taken over by a local gang, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was joined by members of the NYPD in executing a search warrant and raid of the dilapidated building located at 3267 Decatur Avenue at 6 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 4.

Norwood: P.S. / M.S. 20 Hosts High School Fair

Norwood’s P.S. / M.S. 20 – P.O. George J. Werdann, III hosted a high school fair on Friday, Nov. 8, in conjunction with the Office of the Bronx Brough President, providing prospective students with the opportunity to connect with representatives from over 50 schools.

Passage of City Council FARE Act Eliminates Broker Fees for Renters

Renters received some positive news this week when it was annouonced that Brooklyn City Council Member Chi Ossé’s bill, Intro 360, The Fairness in Apartment Rental Expenses (FARE) Act, passed with a supermajority of 42 votes in the New York City Council, on Thursday, Nov. 14.