civil rights
UPDATE South Bronx: Woman Arrested after Newborn Baby Left in Tote Bag Next to Nonprofit
Bedford Park: “Deeply Affordable” Housing Development Opens at 2736 Creston Avenue
Op-Ed: What Went Wrong? Everything
Female NYPD Employee Arrested for Assault & Child Endangerment
UPDATE Various Parties React to Kimberly Hanzlik’s Release after 13 Years on Murder Charge
Nearly a dozen friends and family members were at the back of a Bronx courtroom on Tuesday, Nov. 26, when Administrative Judge Alvin Yearwood approved a request from the Office of Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark to vacate the 2011 second-degree murder conviction of Kimberly Hanzlik, 59, for her role in the 1999 killing of Joseph Brown. The victim was shot and killed inside a bar formerly known as Frenchy’s on East Tremont Avenue in Throggs Neck.
Bronx Man Gets 6½ Years for Domestic Assault in Westchester’s Pelham Manor Village
MLB & Yankees Build New Sensory Room at One World Middle School
Olinville: Marcus Garvey Square Unveiled
Huddled under raingear, tents, and umbrellas, a proud group of Bronx residents gathered in Olinville under the East Gun Hill Road elevated subway tracks and the day’s drizzle on Friday, Nov. 22, to see a long campaign by community activists come to fruition with the renaming of Williamsbridge Square as Marcus Garvey Square.