The full Bronx News Roundup (we’re back!) will cover this in more depth later on today, but this is big news in the Bronx and the rest of New York: Democratic State Senator Jeff Klein, whose 34th District now stretches from the far east Bronx to Riverdale (including a narrow stretch of Bedford Park), and his Independent caucus have formed a “bipartisan governing coalition” to lead the State Senate.
Klein, who has expressed his dissatisfaction with Democratic leaders over the past few years (which is why he broke away to form his own caucus in the first place), would share authority over the Senate with Republican and current Majority Leader Dean Skelos. Each would have equal authority to bring legislation to the floor, which, Klein says, will mean an opportunity for Democrats to see action on a number of progressive bills.
“Working with the governor and our colleagues, I know that we will pass some major progressive reforms, such as an increase to the minimum wage, a reform of stop-and-frisk and serious campaign finance reform,” Klein told the NY Times. “I’m extremely confident that these issues will come to the Senate floor for a vote and I fully expect them to pass the Senate.”