
Bronx News Roundup: Weiner Insists his Campaign is not a Distraction at Bronx Mayoral Forum

By Hugh Thornhill

Here’s your news roundup for the day:

According to a NY1 report,  the Mayoral Forum in the Bronx on Wednesday was mostly focused on the issues of the mayoral election until former City Councilman, Sal Albanese, told former House Representative, Anthony Weiner, that he was diverting attention from the main issues of the election with the recent sexting scandal. Weiner responded by saying that he was at the forum to discuss the issues, not the scandal.

– A huge backlog of criminal cases in the Bronx is costing the city millions, the Daily News reports. An analysis by the city Independent Budget Office on Wednesday shows that Bronx suspects in jail spend an average of 15 1/2 months awaiting trial or sentencing. This is six months longer than their counterparts in the other boroughs. The Budget Office also found that the city could have saved $14 million in jail expenditures last year if the amount of time Bronx inmates spent in custody was cut down to the city average of 9 1/2 months.

– Workers at WCA Car Wash in the Soundview neighborhood voted unanimously to join the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union earlier today, the Daily News reports. The workers are hoping to secure better wages, job security, and protection from harsh cleaning chemicals.

According to a Bronx Times article, the Montefiore Westchester Square Facility will not have a community advisory board. Montefiore said that instead it will hold “community forums,” taking input from elected officials, patients, the local community board, and other citizens of the area. According to one of the spokeswomen of Montefiore, the first “forum” will be in the Fall of 2013, but it has not been determined how often they will take place.

That’s your news roundup for the day, we’ll be back next week.

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One thought on “Bronx News Roundup: Weiner Insists his Campaign is not a Distraction at Bronx Mayoral Forum

  1. anthony rivieccio

    While of course we welcome community input it is unbelievable that hey do not want an advisory board North West Bronx (NWBx) Dems says: Reconsider

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