Here is a look at your local Bronx news.
Miriam Morales, 56, died during a fire in her apartment. Morales, a cancer patient, possibly started the fire, when her cigarette triggered an explosion from an oxygen tank. According to NY1. Police are still investigating.
The NY Daily News reported that J.W. Hicks, a suspect in the death of a 5-month-old child, was arrested for
assaulting an investigating officer in the Soundview section of the Bronx. Doctors have told police that the baby was shaken to death. The medical examiner has not yet ruled on the case.
NY1 reports that Sandra Kerr a Bronx nurse aid has been arrested for allegedly abusing elderly patient Ana Louisa Medina. The victim’s grand daughter, Diana Valentin was concerned with the treatment her grandmother was receiving at the Gold Crest Care Center. Nursing home staff indicated that Valentin’s grandmother injured herself. Unsatisfied with their explanation, Valentin set up a video camera in the room and managed to catch Kerr physically abusing her grandmother.
Kerr has been charged with willful violation of public health law and endangering the welfare of an incompetent or physically disabled person. If she is convicted she could face a year in jail. Diana Valentin has moved her grandmother to a new facility since the arrest has been made.
The NY Post reports that grave robbers have stolen over 160,000 worth of bronze from mausoleums at St. Raymond Cemetery. The police have not yet made arrests in the case. Notables buried at the cemetery include Billie Holiday and championship boxer Hector “Macho” Camacho.
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