
Bronx Anti-Smoking Events This Week

A number of local groups and elected officials will host a forum tonight at the Riverdale Y, 5625 Arlington Avenue, from 6 to 8 p.m.

“Laying the Foundation for Healthy Living,” is the first in a series of forums organized by the Bronx-Smoke Free Partnership, and will focus on the health benefits of smoke-free housing policies. Panelists include the housing chair for Bronx Community Board 8, a representative from the New York Fire Department Fire Safety Education Department, and a pediatrician from Montefiore Medical Center. RSVP to Deidre Sully at [email protected] or at (718) 466-8862.

In other anti-smoking news, tomorrow, Nov. 17, is the Great American Smokeout, a day sponsored by the American Cancer Society that aims to inspire smokers to either quit, or to smoke less. Montefiore Medical Center and Bronx Breathes will be handing out free nicotine patches, gum and quit-smoking literature at eight sites throughout the Bronx: At the hospital’s Moses Division, 111 East 210th Street inside the Food Pavilion; 600 East 233rd Street outside the cafeteria; 600 East 233rd Street in the 4th floor Cafeteria; at the Family Health Center, 360 E. 193rd St.; Bronx East, 2300 Westchester Ave.; at the Comprehensive Family Care Center, 1621 Eastchester Road and at the Comprehensive Health Care Center, 305 E. 161st St.

For more information, call Bronx Breathes at (718) 430-2601.

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