
Borough President’s Survey Finds Bronxites Want Better Schools, More Jobs

This summer and fall, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr.’s office asked residents to fill out an online “wellness” survey, asking questions to gauge how Bronxites feel about living in the Boogie Down, what areas they’re happy with and what things they think need fixing.

Last week, Diaz’ office released the results of the survey, which 1,901 people filled out.

The majority of respondents said they think Bronx schools are the area that needs the most improvement, with 57 percent listing education as their number one priority. Other areas ranking as less-than-stellar were crime/public safety and economic development/jobs.

However, just over half of participants said they think the Bronx is a “good” or “excellent” place to live; 46 percent of those surveyed ranked the borough as “fair” or “poor.” Most of the people who completed the survey, meanwhile, indicated that they’ve lived here for a while, with more than three-quarters saying they’ve been in the Bronx for over a decade.

Participants are optimistic: nearly half said they considered their outlook on life to be “positive.” Almost 40 percent of those questioned said they think quality of life in the Bronx is “moving the in the right direction.”

As for the negatives, a majority of respondents think the appearance and cleanliness of their neighborhood ranks fair or poor; 37 percent think the borough’s job market is poor, and 61 percent of respondents said they’re unsatisfied with their current level of income.

You can check out all the survey results in the document below.

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