Building applications have been filed with DOB for a new, 6-story, mixed-use building at 536 East 183rd Street in the Belmont section of The Bronx, as reported by YIMBY. Located between Third Avenue and Bathgate Avenue, the lot is located an 18-minute walk from the 182nd-183rd Streets subway station, serviced by the B and D trains. Dean St. Realty LLC is listed as the owner behind the applications.
The proposed 70-foot-tall development will yield 39,136 square feet designated for residential space. The building will have 58 residential units, most likely rentals, based on the average unit scope of 674 square feet. The concrete-based structure will also have a cellar, a 30-foot-long rear yard, and 19 open parking spaces.
Gladmore Mwandiambira of Baobab Architects is listed as the architect of record.
Demolition permits will likely not be needed as the lot is vacant. An estimated completion date for the new structure not yet been announced.