
Bedford Park Bishop Faces Decades-Old Molestation Accusation

Bedford Park Bishop Faces Decades-long Molestation Accusation
BISHOP JOHN JENIK listens from the side of the room as police commissioner James O’Neil address the community during an April public safety meeting.
Photo by David Greene

The stunned community on the Bedford Park – Kingsbridge border remain shocked and left with many unanswered questions less than a week after its beloved clergyman, Bishop John Jenik, 74, stepped down as pastor of Our Lady of Refuge Church, after an allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor was deemed “credible and substantiated” by an investigative body of the Catholic Church three decades later.

Jenik, one of four Auxiliary Bishops for the Archdiocese of New York, gained substantial notoriety in the late 1980s and 90s as the Bronx battled the crack epidemic. Jenik attracted media attention in the mid 1990s for wearing a bulletproof vest while walking along drug-infested neighborhoods of Bedford Park and Fordham.

“The Lay Review Board has carefully examined the allegation, which concerns incidents from decades ago, and concluded that this evidence is sufficient to find the allegation credible and substantiated,” wrote Cardinal Timothy Dolan the day allegations surfaced.

Dolan’s letter continued, “Although Bishop Jenik continues to deny the allegation, he has stepped aside from the public ministry and has moved out of his parish.”

In a letter by Jenik, delivered to the church at the same time as Dolan’s letter, Jenik stated, “I continue to steadfastly deny that I ever abused anyone at any time. Therefore, I will ask the Vatican, which has ultimate jurisdiction over such cases to review the matter, with the hope of ultimately proving my innocence.”

In a statement issued by Patrice O’Shaughnessy, spokesperson for the Bronx District Attorney’s office, the office was told by the Archdiocese of the “allegation in October 2017 and we investigated. The alleged incident happened beyond the statute of limitations.”

Michael Meenan, a reporter who had freelanced for The New York Times and NY1, came forward with the accusation.

“John Jenik should never have had access to young boys,” Meenan told the Norwood News shortly after holding a Nov. 1 news conference. “In fact, I don’t think he should have been ordained because he has a disturbed and dangerous predilection for boys and that’s not a winning solution for children who need support and guidance… especially when their parents are paying a fairly significant amount of money to go to Catholic school.”

Meenan has remained silent about the alleged incident. However, Meenan did try to speak up four years later when he said he was attacked again in 1984 at age 17, by religion teacher Fernand Beck at Fordham Prep. Meenan recalled, “I reported it to the headmaster and he actually broke the law,” by not reporting it to authorities.

In 2016, Meenan came forward with that accusation that was also deemed as “credible.” Beck and the headmaster, Cornelius McCarthy, were removed from the all-boys Jesuit school in Bedford Park.

Meenan said he was aware of a friendship between Jenik, Fr. Richard Gorman, and a third person at the Archdiocese, calling it a “criminal conspiracy,” on how they operated as sexual predators in a manner to remain undetected. Gorman was removed in the unrelated molestation case in January, 2016 and he died in January of this year.

Outside of Our Lady of Refuge, after the first Sunday mass since Jenik’s departure, congregants were reserved and still in disbelief. One longtime parishioner said “This guy that killed Fr. Jenik, he looks like he likes money because I hear that something happened with another teacher. I just don’t believe it. Everything I hear is positive (about Jenik) nothing negative.”

Jenik was appointed parochial vicar of St. Jerome’s Parish in September 1970 by Cardinal Terrence Cooke. Jenik had a brief stint at St. Thomas Aquinas Church before moving to Our Lady of Refuge in 1978. He was promoted to pastor in 1985, and in 2006, Cardinal Edward Egan promoted Jenik to Vicar for the Northwest Bronx.

Supporters of Jenik were busy planning a rally for Nov. 9 in hopes of reversing the Archdiocese decision. Meanwhile, a staffer at Our Lady of Refuge School, stated that Fr. Jonathan Morris, the pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Belmont, had given mass on Oct. 5. Asked if Morris would be coming to Our Lady of Refuge, the staffer replied, “No. It hasn’t been told to me.”

Editor’s Note: The church advises anyone with a similar claim to first call authorities, before contacting the church’s Safe Environment Program’s New York State Hotline at (800) 342-3720. 


Welcome to the Norwood News, a bi-weekly community newspaper that primarily serves the northwest Bronx communities of Norwood, Bedford Park, Fordham and University Heights. Through our Breaking Bronx blog, we focus on news and information for those neighborhoods, but aim to cover as much Bronx-related news as possible. Founded in 1988 by Mosholu Preservation Corporation, a not-for-profit affiliate of Montefiore Medical Center, the Norwood News began as a monthly and grew to a bi-weekly in 1994. In September 2003 the paper expanded to cover University Heights and now covers all the neighborhoods of Community District 7. The Norwood News exists to foster communication among citizens and organizations and to be a tool for neighborhood development efforts. The Norwood News runs the Bronx Youth Journalism Heard, a journalism training program for Bronx high school students. As you navigate this website, please let us know if you discover any glitches or if you have any suggestions. We’d love to hear from you. You can send e-mails to [email protected] or call us anytime (718) 324-4998.

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9 thoughts on “Bedford Park Bishop Faces Decades-Old Molestation Accusation

  1. Nilsa Cintron

    I’m sorry but I raised my son in that school and parish and never had I heard of any improprieties about Father Jenik. Besides this sounds as if he’s been found guilty before any substantial evidence has been bought up. Sounds as if this is going to be the new norm for towards men.

  2. Michael Breslin

    All victims of sexual abuse must be cared for and protected. Those who perpetrate such horrific acts should be punished. The Catholic Church has made extreme mistakes and must atone for its actions and cover-ups. The church sexual abuse scandal is an act of evil. Its consequences will be felt for decades to come.
    However, I can attest to the good character and integrity of Bishop Jenik, having known him for the better of 36 years. I met him as a 14 year old boy living a few blocks from Our Lady of Refuge and spent countless moments alone in his company. I never experienced, witnessed or heard rumors which even suggested any sort of inappropriate behavior on his part. On the contrary, Bishop Jenik was and remains a role model to me and countless others. I pray for him, his parishioners, his family and friends and all those who have been adversely impacted by this matter.

  3. John Garcia

    Bishop Jenik has always defended not only the parish but the entire community. He fought for affordable housing, securing a homeless shelter for women and children, he stood up for immigrants rights, provided scholarships for needy families and the list goes on. His parishioners are behind him 100%. I am an OLR graduate as are my brother and sister. I sent both my daughters to OLR and I am proud to call Bishop Jenik my friend!

  4. Anthony Rivieccio

    Very disturbing

    As a 40 year resident, while I can not directly attest to the allegations….

    I can attest directly to his level of community service

    Out of 1 to 10——. A 20

  5. Angie Diaz

    I’ve known Bishop Jenik since I was 9 years old as I was his student at OLR. He was not an easy priest. He was very strick and firm. He played no games, but showed us right from wrong and impacted many of us on how to be respectful human beings. Now 28 years later Bishop Jenik helped me when my family and I were out in the streets. He helped me find an affordable apartment with FBH and for this I show him much respect. In my school aged years I never heard rumors about Bishop Jenik in treating students any special way emotional or physically. OLR is not the same without Bishop Jenik. He’s a good person who tries to help those in need and it is now our turn to be his voice. I keep everyone in my prayers especially Bishop Jenik that his name gets cleared from rumors and he returns to OLR where he belongs.

  6. Gerard Wollweber

    The sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church, committed by priest, is a horrible crime against innocent children. What is just as horrific is the cover-up by bishops and cardinals who moved priest around to other parishes and other diocese to continue their crimes against children. The cover-up by the church hierarchy has now swung in the other direction. Seeking to repair the Catholic Church credibility, which couldn’t be any lower, the Archdiocese of NY is now throwing a very good man like Bishop Jenik under the bus on accusations alone. The accuser is a man who two years ago claimed being abused in the 1980’s by a Fordham Prep teacher and in interviews at the time never mentions abuse by Bishop Jenik. Why? An Ivy league graduate, sadly down on his luck, on welfare and food stamps, suddenly remembers that he was also abused by a priest around the same time as the teacher abuse. This is credible? There are real victims of sexual abuse by clergy out there, this isn’t one.

    1. annonymous

      It seems to me it was not mentioned because it did not happen. In my opinion, the accuser came up with his allegation when he became aware that there was money available to victims, Let us remember the money is there for real victims as it should be. Shame on him for tainting an extraordinary human being, a man who has done nothing but help the poor the needy and those who came to him as a priest in need of a helping hand daily.. men, women, children all walks and creeds of life. He has always been there for the people. We that know Bishop Jenik know the truth about a man who should be remembered as an example of how you should live your life.

  7. Lucy

    I’m appalled and saddened by these accusations made towards a man who served as my role model for the past 29 years. Growing up in a turbulent neighborhood, the church he maintained was a safe haven for me where I was able to grow both spiritually and intellectually. All this was made possible by the countless of hours spent with Jenik and other kids in church activities either as altar server or in school, teaching us Latin, Logic, computer office software classes, history discussions… This man led his life in discipline but with his dynamic and charismatic personality, I always felt welcomed, safe and free to learn new things. Through the guidance of this wonderful and caring soul, I had an enriching childhood, which I will always be eternally grateful.

    I only pray that the accuser receives some clarity and rethinks his accusations.

    It is unjust to go through sexual abuse, (as I woman I would know) but its just as equally unjust to be falsely accused.

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