Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash
Alternate Side Parking Regulation resumed on May 18 and will continue to May 20. It will take effect again from May 22 to May 23 while a citywide clean sweep is in effect, after which suspensions will continue for another two weeks through Sunday, June 7, 2020.
Please note, however, that there will be two suspensions during this week’s clean sweep on Thursday, May 21, and again on Sunday, May 24, in accordance with the Alternate Side Parking calendar which takes into account two religious days i.e. Solemnity of the Ascension, and Idul-Fitr (Eid Al-Fitr).
The City may extend the suspension based on street cleanliness and workforce availability. Any New Yorker under isolation who has received a ticket can appeal to the Department of Finance and should provide medical documentation or testimony, which will be taken into consideration when their case is reviewed.
Payment at parking meters will remain in effect throughout the City.
New Yorkers can still use their cars but are being asked to stay at home as much as possible, to maintain social distancing while out on foot, and to wear a face mask or face covering like a scarf or bandana in public.