Today was Community Board 7 District Manager Fernando Tirado’s last day on the job. Exactly three weeks from the day board members voted against terminating him from his position, Tirado announced he would be moving on and taking a job at Sustainable Long Island.
“It has been a pleasure to work alongside many of you and do the things needed to improve the quality of life for our neighborhoods,” Tirado said in an email to the Board 7 community. “I will miss many of you deeply, as I have had many positive experiences with you, even thru the challenging times.”
This past summer was one of those challenging times. At the June board meeting, a motion was made to dismiss him, but the subsequent vote in favor of his dismissal was not binding because it was held behind closed doors, leading to a summer of uncertainty. In September, the board voted again on whether to remove Tirado. This time, in a public setting, the board voted against his removal, 15-10 (with three abstentions).
Board Chairman Paul Foster, who sent a letter outlining the reasons why Tirado was on the hot seat in July and voted in favor of his dismissal, said Tirado gave the board two weeks notice. Tirado will be taking a leave from his position until Oct. 18, which will be his official last day.
In a brief interview, Foster praised Tirado for his four years of work as district manager.
“He made some good contributions to the board,” Foster said. “He’s a very competent individual and a great guy. I’m sure he’ll be successful in whatever he does.”
He added: “Was he 100 percent everything? No,” he said. “But nobody is. I’m not. But he did some good work. I’d say he’s one of the best district managers in the Bronx.”
Tirado couldn’t be reached at the board office this afternoon.
While the board puts together a search committee and officially opens up the job to applicants, Tom Lucania, who oversees community board affairs for the Bronx Borough President’s office, will be helping out. Foster said other board members have also agreed to help in the interim.
The board is holding a community forum on the Kingsbridge Armory redevelopment proposals at Monroe College on Thursday evening and Foster said board business will continue as usual, although official office hours may be tweaked in the coming weeks.
The last time the board needed a new district manager, they hired one of their own — a relatively new and decidedly energetic member who had recently moved to Bedford Park from Queens. His name was Fernando Tirado.
Editor’s note: Anyone who needs to contact the board can still call (718) 933-5650. But the official email address will not be monitored. Email inquiries should be sent to [email protected] or to [email protected].